On one of the main roads through town is this house. The house is much older and was there before the city turned the two lane road into a four lane road. There is practically zero front yard between the road and these people's front door. There is a sidewalk along the edge of the road which cuts into the front "yard" even more. I'd say there is maybe ten feet from the road to the front door. These people(usually 4 or 5 of them) have embraced it and just use the sidewalk as part of their yard. They are outside all the time during the day. Chairs set up on the sidewalk. They don't care if people need to walk by with strollers, shopping carts, etc...cars whizzing by at 45 mph.... I think if it were my home I would became more of a back yard person.
Front porches were invented long before there were cars, or tv or radio.
For entertainment, people would sit out in front and watch whatever went by on the road.
And when people went by in carriages, on horseback, or on foot, there would be honest-to-goodness, real conversations.
When I drive through Brooklyn, it's pretty common for there to be steps leading from a small front porch down to the sidewalk, a few feet of sidewalk and then the street.
In good weather, people do the same thing, sit out in front and talk with passers-by (on foot, not on horseback).
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
There is no neighborhood. There are 2 homes left on the main road, then it's some crappy businesses and a church. They have just enough driveway for 1 car. They were all out there chilling on the sidewalk last night. I think they just stay out there because a lot of people live there and they need fresh air. It's just odd to have chairs all over the sidewalk so that there is no chance of pedestrians to walk by without having to climb over half a dozen people. It's one of the main roads so people walking from wherever have to use the sidewalk.
People can either choose to use the sidewalk with a half dozen people sitting there, or they can cross the street and walk the other side. It's not like the family has a lot of choice on the size of their front yard.
I guess I wouldn't be bothered by them sitting out there. Would probably help keep the crime rate down with someone out there watching the area all the time.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.