No work today, doctor's orders. I went to the emergency room yesterday. Nothing is broken, foot is bruised. I also have two bone spurs, one on the back of my heel which probably started all this discomfort. Supposed to follow up with an ortho doc asap. I doubt I will get an appointment today, especially since it's a Monday. I plan to sit on my butt with my foot elevated and make a few phone calls and work on my coding class today.
Today is my last day of work before vacation. I'm so panicked that I'm going to forget to do something or forget to tell my coworker something. I have been so overwhelmed with the new job, I really need this vacation. I just hope I survive long enough to get on the plane.
I haven't packed a thing yet. I wanted to be mostly packed over the weekend, yeah, that didn't happen. More panic. Sigh
So........ yesterday when I went to the emergency room it was really busy. All the regular er rooms were filled so they put a bunch of us in a fast track area. It's just a bunch of chairs with a little partition between each chair and they are numbered. They just came and got me with a wheelchair when I had to go to xray. Thing is, no one ever bothered to put an i.d. band on me. I could have been anyone using my name once I had checked in at the main desk and showed my insurance card. It would have been easy for someone else to stand up and say they were me when they called my name. I mentioned it to the radiology tech because he needed to verify who I was. He just asked me to say my name and birthday. I also mentioned it to the doc I saw. The only time I saw a nurse was when she came to wrap my foot and put the walking shoe one me. I have a drug allergy and told them that at triage, I also should have gotten a drug allergy band. I know they were busy but that's how people end up dead when something simple is overlooked. Would you guys mention it to hospital admin or just let it go?
So........ yesterday when I went to the emergency room it was really busy. All the regular er rooms were filled so they put a bunch of us in a fast track area. It's just a bunch of chairs with a little partition between each chair and they are numbered. They just came and got me with a wheelchair when I had to go to xray. Thing is, no one ever bothered to put an i.d. band on me. I could have been anyone using my name once I had checked in at the main desk and showed my insurance card. It would have been easy for someone else to stand up and say they were me when they called my name. I mentioned it to the radiology tech because he needed to verify who I was. He just asked me to say my name and birthday. I also mentioned it to the doc I saw. The only time I saw a nurse was when she came to wrap my foot and put the walking shoe one me. I have a drug allergy and told them that at triage, I also should have gotten a drug allergy band. I know they were busy but that's how people end up dead when something simple is overlooked. Would you guys mention it to hospital admin or just let it go?
Usually you will get a survey or questionnaire about your experience at the hospital. I would make sure to fill that out and let them know about it. They do read those.