I am sitting on my balocony listening to the waves crash. Cab comes at 4:30 to pick us up. I'm sharing it with one of my cousins, her plane takes off 15 minutes after mine. We decided not to make anyone with a car drag themselves out of bed to take us.
i just did a count. If I include all the spouses and kids, there are now 18 of us (24 if you count the parents) holy cow, my big family is getting even bigger! I think I like that :)
I love airports. You can get lunch at 9am for those of us that have been up since 3 already
I am safely in Charlotte. It was a rough flight, but I slept through most of it. I've still got almost 2 hours here. I am going to finish my lunch and meander around a bit. Then get a good seat at my gate ;)
I want to listen to waves crash! I'm negotiating contracts today. Not nearly as fun.
I am now listening to this girl debate with her friend (on the phone) of yet another friend needs a baby shower. Or if she should just buy the baby $400 of stuff. Because after all *she* didn't have a baby shower and her baby has everything it needs
now she has moved on to explaining to her friend all the stuff her boyfriend gets for free because he's military.
Hola! I left my phone at a party Saturday night. :( So I've been without it for what, almost 2 whole days now?!?!?! They are going to bring it to me sometime tomorrow. So if I'm not around, I have died due to lack of phone. Check the Obits in Nashville...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Worked till 3 yesterday and then moved 2 couches in my Rav (1 at a time). Turns out one of the couches wouldn't fit through the door of the house I was bringing it to so we had the joy of disassembling it and then I took it to the dump.
I'm home! I picked up corgi and the guy at the boarding place said he never showed any sign of aggression. So, it seems my dog isn't a jerk, just super protective of me.
I'm home! I picked up corgi and the guy at the boarding place said he never showed any sign of aggression. So, it seems my dog isn't a jerk, just super protective of me.
Back to the real world tomorrow :(
Glad you made it home and had a wonderful time.
Pets like kids. They always behave better for someone else. I had a Basset Hound that was so stubborn, he never listened to me unless me wanted to. I boarded him for a week and the guy told me he was the best Basset he had even seen. He did everything the guy told him to.