I have a few tattoos and every now and then they feel like the ink is raised. It only happens to 2 of them and it doesn't hurt or itch or anything like they are irritated. It feels like just the outline is standing out. The ink isn't new. One is over 13 years old and the other about 5 years old. Does this happen to anyone else?
Yep. I have one very crappily done tattoo. Every so often the ink gets kind of "bumped up". It also usually itches and the skin around it turns red, but not very time.
I'm planning to have it lasered off at some point, since it is also hideous. Lol.
I really like the shop that did my last one. That one doesn't do that weird thing. I have a really good idea of another one and I would go to them and have one of their people draw it out. They are awesome artists and very reputable. I do have one that I wouldn't mind getting rid of. It's hard to keep covered when I don't want to show it.
I have four tatts and I've never experienced this but I googled and found this for you
Itchy, Raised Tattoos
Finding the Cause & Treating
Nicola Tree/Taxi/Getty Images
By Karen L. Hudson
Many times, especially during certain times of the year, the question comes up about raised and itchy tattoos. Sufferers of this condition usually describe it as being occasional rather than consistent, although it can be either. Pinpointing the reason for this discomfort is difficult, as there can be several different causes. This article will explore some of the most common causes and also discuss how it can be treated and alleviated.
Tattoo Shops
Tattoo Body Piercing
Tattoo Removal Methods
Tattoos Tattoo Designs
Tattoo Tribals
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Allergic Reaction
Allergic reactions to the tattoo ink used is usually the first thing that comes to the mind of the sufferer, but is probably the least likely to be the case. However, allergic reactions to ink can and do happen sometimes – especially with red and yellow, or colors that contain red or yellow. An allergic reaction does not necessarily happen immediately – it can appear a week after receiving a tattoo or years down the road. Changes in the body can cause adverse reactions to things that once were totally benign. An ink allergy will be itchy and raised only in spots of the particular color and is more likely to be a constant irritation rather than one that comes and goes. Topical ointments made for allergic reactions may help to relieve mild irritation, while a prescription drug or even tattoo removal may be required for more serious cases.
The Weather
The weather is the most likely culprit when it comes to occasional but consistent irritation. Some people notice it only happens in the summertime. When temperatures and humidity rise, it can also cause your tattoo to swell slightly. This swelling causes a slight stretching of the skin, which also results in an itchy condition. A well-healed tattoo isn’t likely to be damaged by scratching, but it’s still best to try to avoid it. Topical anti-itch creams, ice or cool water can help to alleviate this discomfort temporarily until the weather becomes more skin-friendly again.
For others, it's just the opposite - the cold winter months and subsequent dry skin causes itchy, rashy tattoos. Dry skin, all by itself, can cause itchy rashes and it could just be a coincidence if one appears over a healed tattoo. But if the pigment under the skin is exposed to extreme cold, it could react to the temperature change in an adverse way. Keeping your skin moist with lotion and also avoiding extreme ups and downs in temperature can help with this problem.
Body Chemistry
Changes inside your body can affect you on the outside, too. A rise in blood pressure, increased adrenaline, a change in body temperature – all of these things can affect your tattoo. If you notice your tattoo is itchy and uncomfortable, think about what you’ve been doing recently and you might find a connection. Usually stopping this activity for a period of time will cause the tattoo to feel better on its own.
Skin Conditions
You may discover that you have some kind of skin condition you didn’t even know you had, but your tattoo may be more sensitive to it. A skin condition can be as mild as dry skin or as severe as eczema, although the latter isn’t going to surface just because of a tattoo. If you believe you have some kind of skin condition, a visit to a dermatologist may help to relieve any body itching, including your tattoo.
Ya i have a full arm sleeve and a few neck tattos and ive never had this happen. but i have had friends of mine had this happen. they say its nothin major.
I think it is funny people who say "oh well what will happen when you are 80 years old and have tattoos". Um, you will be 80 yrs old with tattoos soooo who cares!
I think it is funny people who say "oh well what will happen when you are 80 years old and have tattoos". Um, you will be 80 yrs old with tattoos soooo who cares!
My friend is trying to find the perfect puzzle piece tattoo to represent her autistic son but she wants to tie it in with something for her daughter who isn't autistic. We spend hours on pinterest looking.
I think it is funny people who say "oh well what will happen when you are 80 years old and have tattoos". Um, you will be 80 yrs old with tattoos soooo who cares!
We always say "well it will give them something to look at when we are 90 and they are changing our depends".
Have you seen the watercolor tattoos? Now THOSE are cool.
I saw some on pineterest, very pretty. I sort of have that on one tat but it is black ink. She added water to some of the ink to add dimension. I bet that's what they do with the water color. I really liked the all white tattoos but I was advised against it by my tattoo parlor. They said they would be happy to take my money but I wouldn't like it after a short amount of time. The white doesn't stay white with most skin tones and a lot of times it just disappears.
Have you seen the watercolor tattoos? Now THOSE are cool.
I saw some on pineterest, very pretty. I sort of have that on one tat but it is black ink. She added water to some of the ink to add dimension. I bet that's what they do with the water color. I really liked the all white tattoos but I was advised against it by my tattoo parlor. They said they would be happy to take my money but I wouldn't like it after a short amount of time. The white doesn't stay white with most skin tones and a lot of times it just disappears.
White inked tattoos dont last long. i had a lot of white in my first couple tattoos and they fade pretty quickly.. unless thats the look your going for. a tattoo that doesnt stand out. But it does look nice when its freshly done though!!