I am seeing a lot of "DOOMSDAY" style headlines on the Huffpo and other Dem/liberal sites. Like it's the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT if a couple of Repos get elected.
The RINORepos will much more ectastic about any losing Tea Party candidates than winning control back. They hate the conservative branch of the Repo party more than they want to defeat Dems.
Did you all see all the documents released last night on Fast and Furious and the whole IRS thing? Theory is they had to be released by law and the timing was because everyone be too distracted with the election. Jean Shaheen (NH D Senator) was the one who spear headed the move to have the IRS investigate all the conservative non profits and hold back their non profit applications. I hope it wasn't too late to out her and have Hottie Scottie elected.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.