So the guys are at the basketball court ogling other guys. Don't ya think all these SSA guys getting together might not result in aone night stand? Duh.
I don't think that's a "new low", so much as an extension of the existing low. I think that TLC's (the channel, not the Geek), ultimate low was Honey Boo Boo.
That was the television equivalent of scrapings from the inside of a garbage truck, after it has emptied it's load, and has been sitting empty for a few days. This show sounds like just more scrapings.
Did anybody else wonder what in the hell is wrong with the women who go along with this whole thing?
I would say it's all fake, but I actually know a lady who is married to the most effeminate man in the world! He makes Richard Simons seem like the Brawny guy! They have 2 kids together and have been married for 18 years or so.. Their oldest is 17 so I'm making a guess.
Anyways, they've never said anything about it, but it's weird to see a guy acting so definitely gay yet be married to a woman and have a family. How is she attracted to him? Maybe he's never admitted that he likes men so she is in denial.
These guys on the show are openly checking out other men in front of their wives! Gross!
How could you possibly still be attracted to a guy who wants to get it on with another man?!?!
He's not gay, he just wants to fLIck other men!
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.
Did anybody else wonder what in the hell is wrong with the women who go along with this whole thing?
I would say it's all fake, but I actually know a lady who is married to the most effeminate man in the world! He makes Richard Simons seem like the Brawny guy! They have 2 kids together and have been married for 18 years or so.. Their oldest is 17 so I'm making a guess.
Anyways, they've never said anything about it, but it's weird to see a guy acting so definitely gay yet be married to a woman and have a family. How is she attracted to him? Maybe he's never admitted that he likes men so she is in denial.
These guys on the show are openly checking out other men in front of their wives! Gross!
How could you possibly still be attracted to a guy who wants to get it on with another man?!?!
He's not gay, he just wants to fLIck other men!
Indiana is super super Catholic and conservative. I met at least, at least 5 couples where I thought the husband was gay. The type of guy you described. I just wondered why those women couldn't see it. It must be a self esteem thing. They don't think they deserve any better.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
I had so much to say about it but my husband is not interested in having this conversation! haha! I'm so glad you guys are here :)
Yeah, DH was like "what the hell" and he walked out of the room. Same thing he does when I watching Hoarders, Air Disasters, Little Women LA or the Bachelor.
Did anybody else wonder what in the hell is wrong with the women who go along with this whole thing?
I would say it's all fake, but I actually know a lady who is married to the most effeminate man in the world! He makes Richard Simons seem like the Brawny guy! They have 2 kids together and have been married for 18 years or so.. Their oldest is 17 so I'm making a guess.
Anyways, they've never said anything about it, but it's weird to see a guy acting so definitely gay yet be married to a woman and have a family. How is she attracted to him? Maybe he's never admitted that he likes men so she is in denial.
These guys on the show are openly checking out other men in front of their wives! Gross!
How could you possibly still be attracted to a guy who wants to get it on with another man?!?!
He's not gay, he just wants to fLIck other men!
Yes. It's one thing to admit that ok you have these feelings. But standing around "lusting" at other men, um isn't that whole "lust" thing in their Bible too? Wow. And, the wives are like, "oh it's eye candy for me too".
I mean, if they want to admit their feelings but then say, I am fully committed to my marriage because I live my wife and family, then fine. We can have whatever feelings we want but what we do with them is up to us. But, the fact that all these men admit to that, and regularly go "camping" or whatever. I mean, come on. Wow.
Bye honey, see you on Monday, I am going camping with George Clooney and Brad Pitt. We're gonna frolick naked in the woods but nothing will happen.
If these men are bisexual, and they still have an active sex life with their wives, maybe the wives are secretly fantasizing the reverse of every man's fantasy. Maybe they are fantasizing "Hey... if he connects with a bisexual dude on his 'camping trip', maybe he'll bring him home and we can have a threesome!"
That's the only way I can even imagine the wives being even remotely o.k. with this.
If these men are bisexual, and they still have an active sex life with their wives, maybe the wives are secretly fantasizing the reverse of every man's fantasy. Maybe they are fantasizing "Hey... if he connects with a bisexual dude on his 'camping trip', maybe he'll bring him home and we can have a threesome!"
That's the only way I can even imagine the wives being even remotely o.k. with this.
I'd bet money it's all fake. But, you are right, a threesome is cash.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.