Some of you may recognize this post. Others; opinion?
This message is for U.S. citizens and all World leaders that attended the vigil in Paris.
I am sincerely disappointed in the decision by the US upper echelon to not attend the vigil in Paris. I am embarrassed as a Patriotic American. I, for one American, will not let those terrorists know that they will control my life, that they may scare me but I will not give up my liberties and freedoms because of their violent acts. I know if I do, I have lost my freedom.
To the leaders of the world that attended; I am so proud of you for acting bravely in the face of evil, you are true leaders. To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, I take my hat off to you both. You put aside decades of fighting and united with the world to stand up FOR the world to live and fight against the terrorist violence that occurred in Paris last week. You recognize that all these violent attacks the world has seen in the past years has got to end. To the rest of the World leaders that attended, my hat is off to you as well. You all recognize the greatest threat to all of our peace are these radical terrorists. You all put your own differences aside to come together. You are TRUE leaders.
I hope for a more peaceful world and since we have banded together to rid us of these horribly violent madmen I believe we stand a great chance if we stay united. My America stands with you.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.