DEAR ABBY: Every year, a co-worker brings her daughters to the office to sell Girl Scout cookies. The kids are adorable, and it's hard to say "no" because Mom hovers nearby as the girls approach each cubicle. Regardless of whether one cares to donate to the cause or not, it feels like Mom is forcing us into buying by doing this. What happened to the old "leave the order sheet at the reception desk" custom? Am I overreacting? -- SOURED ON SWEETS
DEAR SOURED: Yes. All you have to do is smile and say, "No, I'm sorry, sweethearts. I can't do it this year." Actually, you may be doing the girls a favor, because an important part of selling is learning to cope with disappointment when a customer says no.
Why say I "can't do that this year" ? What does that mean? That sounds idiotic. Like you really can't afford a box of cookies? Why make excuses? You dont' have to explain yourself or make up explanations. If you don't want them, you dont' want them, it isn't anyone's business why. A simple No Thank You, period is all it needs. My life got infinitely easier when I decided that not everyone and their brother needs to hear the "whys" of my life.
I like the "I ordered from my niece/cousin/sister... "
I have no problem saying no. I don't really like their cookies.
And I really don't get why people feel their co workers are always judging them. What are they going to do? hoard all the staples?
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
My sister just mentioned a spelling bee for my tiny niece. I said is it a fundraiser? She said yes but left out that they are raising money for school. I asked her. I support what I want.
My hospital made a policy because the selling for this and that function was getting out of hand. People can set a sales sheet in the lounge but they aren't allowed to ask anyone.
When I was with ex relationship we would buy a case or more of thin mints to last us (him) through the year. He would open a sleeve, hand me four and eat the rest.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
You and flan must now sit in the corner while the rest of us eat your share of the cookies.
I tell this story every year... When I was a kid and a girl scout selling cookies my mom was always DISTRICT cookie chairman. One year we got stuck with TWO HUNDRED EXTRA CASES of thin mints. We had them in our deep freeze forever. We ate them on cake, ice cream, and waffles. I hate them now.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
You and flan must now sit in the corner while the rest of us eat your share of the cookies.
I tell this story every year... When I was a kid and a girl scout selling cookies my mom was always DISTRICT cookie chairman. One year we got stuck with TWO HUNDRED EXTRA CASES of thin mints. We had them in our deep freeze forever. We ate them on cake, ice cream, and waffles. I hate them now.
That sounds like the best mistake ever!!! lol. I was cookie mom once - all I got was a headache. Lol
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
It was great. The first two months. I don't care how good a cookie is, when you are forced to eat it and only it for a year it begins to become your less favorite.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
You and flan must now sit in the corner while the rest of us eat your share of the cookies.
I tell this story every year... When I was a kid and a girl scout selling cookies my mom was always DISTRICT cookie chairman. One year we got stuck with TWO HUNDRED EXTRA CASES of thin mints. We had them in our deep freeze forever. We ate them on cake, ice cream, and waffles. I hate them now.
That actually sounds like the best reason I've ever heard to hate a cookie.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You and flan must now sit in the corner while the rest of us eat your share of the cookies.
I tell this story every year... When I was a kid and a girl scout selling cookies my mom was always DISTRICT cookie chairman. One year we got stuck with TWO HUNDRED EXTRA CASES of thin mints. We had them in our deep freeze forever. We ate them on cake, ice cream, and waffles. I hate them now.
This is why I can't even look at a Krispy kream donut. My sister was on the drill team for two years and my parents bought 2 dozen every weekend to support the team. Barf.
After being a girl scout leader for two years, I'm disenchanted. It was WAAAAYYYYY too much about the money.
In our area, it was about supporting the council and all the full time staff they had working there. We sold cookies so they could keep their jobs. What the heck did they do? I have no idea. No one from council ever helped me build a fire, pitch a tent, or wrangle 25 girls.
DD had a blast though.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
After being a girl scout leader for two years, I'm disenchanted. It was WAAAAYYYYY too much about the money.
In our area, it was about supporting the council and all the full time staff they had working there. We sold cookies so they could keep their jobs. What the heck did they do? I have no idea. No one from council ever helped me build a fire, pitch a tent, or wrangle 25 girls.
DD had a blast though.
And this is why I allow DD to keep being a GS. She loves it and has a great Troop Leader. But even the Troop leader has mentioned to me her dismay with the organization and how they push the fundraisers so hard. The troop leader is great with the girls and doesn't push them.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I spent and spent and spent and spent on booster clubs, raffle tickets, charity drives on and on and on and on and on. Now, I only contribute if I want too. And, I have kind of learned my lesson at work. They were always collecting money for Aunt Edna's bunionectomy and everything under the sun. But, when my mom died, nary a card from those bitches sooo no thanks!