Meet some of the hottest tempered animated characters on television. Each one of these characters has a unique and distinct way of reacting to anger. Some are volatile and others just simply pitch a fit of rage. Regardless of their anger style they all have one thing in common: they could all use some anger management skills.
5. Yosemite Sam
“Ooooooooooooooooooooo!” Coming in at number five on the list is Yosemite Sam. This rambunctious little gun packing cowboy has a thirst for vengeance. His hatred (of Bugs Bunny) blurs his ability to see things clearly. With weapons within reach, this hot-headed ball of fire is a danger to himself and others! Yosemite needs to be “blasted” with some anger management therapy!
Goals of Yosemite’s therapy would include:
Removing all weapons from his possession.