Ok Geeks, I need your help with an issue my husband and I are having.
We live in Los Angeles. We currently live in the "Valley" and I commute to the Westside. Which means about an hour each way on the 405. Baby boy commutes with me as his daycare is near my office. Husband could potentially work out of any of the studio's. Since he does production type work we never really know where he could end up for the season. Lately he's been up in the valley.
I want to move closer to my office since I am the primary baby care giver. He wants to stay where we are. Affordable rents and it means he gets to see the kiddo during the week. He typically works about 10-18 hour days when on a show. So if he is the one that ends up commuting I won't see him during production.
Thoughts? Should I just suck it up and keep commuting? Should he suck it up?
There really isn't an in between community for us to pick so it's sort of him or me. I work a regular 8:30-5:30 schedule M-F.
Bonny since he is working 10-18 hour days I don't think it is fair to add an hour long commute to his schedule.
I agree about him commuting, but I hate having the baby in the car that much. I wish there was a middle options : (
What about a daycare closer to your home instead of near work so you can drop him off & then commute?
Daycare's close at 6. I'd never make it back in time. I also want at least one parent to be close by in case of an emergency. When Obama comes to town it can take over 2 hours to get home and I don't want my kiddo to be stranded.
The only thing I can think of with the "guidelines" you have set, is to get a nanny.
If hubs could be at any one of the studios each season, his commute can change each time he changes. So while it is more convenient for him now, what about next time when he is farther away?
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Yeah, I think I just needed to vent about it to someone other than my husband. I hate living in Los Angeles. I'm hoping that he agrees to move back to Michigan before the baby starts school.
As a commuter myself, I feel your pain. But I have to say, after having lived in the Los Angeles area for 32 years, "almost" an hour commute does not sound bad to me. The two hour bit, yes, that sucks, but how often is Obama in town? I didn't realize L.A. had that many golf courses.
As a commuter myself, I feel your pain. But I have to say, after having lived in the Los Angeles area for 32 years, "almost" an hour commute does not sound bad to me. The two hour bit, yes, that sucks, but how often is Obama in town? I didn't realize L.A. had that many golf courses.
Anytime there is an accident, political thingy or some slight rain the 405 turns into a nightmare! Because Obama loves Hollywood, he shows up too often for my tastes ; )
Bonny since he is working 10-18 hour days I don't think it is fair to add an hour long commute to his schedule.
I agree about him commuting, but I hate having the baby in the car that much. I wish there was a middle options : (
What about a daycare closer to your home instead of near work so you can drop him off & then commute?
Daycare's close at 6. I'd never make it back in time. I also want at least one parent to be close by in case of an emergency. When Obama comes to town it can take over 2 hours to get home and I don't want my kiddo to be stranded.
Plus, I love my daycare and really trust them.
Our daycare was a larger one and had a few people on staff who you could hire to be your "in case of". For example, Miss Jen was our "in case of". She would take DD home to her house if I couldn't make it back in time. She would give her a healthy snack or dinner and I would pick DD up at her house when I got home. It saved DD a ton of time in the car. And it was good to know I had a buffer in case work blew up at the last second. I paid Miss Jenn $25 each time she did this for us. You could negotiate a deal somehow.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Having been the commuting mother in So. Cal (Orange Co and LA County), I can totally sympathize. I always chose the child care nearest my job, because that time in the car was fun time too...talking, singing, telling a story. By the time I got home, it was DH's time to bathe him while I prepared dinner. He did bed time stories.
As soon as our boys were moved out and independent, we split Cali for good. Now, I commute all of 1 1/2 miles. I LOVE IT!
As a commuter myself, I feel your pain. But I have to say, after having lived in the Los Angeles area for 32 years, "almost" an hour commute does not sound bad to me. The two hour bit, yes, that sucks, but how often is Obama in town? I didn't realize L.A. had that many golf courses.
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Personally, I think baby wins out. Much better for DH to commute sometimes than Baby Boy to be stuck in the car for 2 hours everyday.
That's the line of reasoning I've been using with my husband. Baby comes first.
Bonny. I have to say that my daycare was at work when DD was 18 mos. But my commute is horrible. The older she got the more nervous I go with that "precious cargo" in that horrible traffic. My nerves couldn't take it anymore so I put her in daycare near my home. Moving closer to work was not an option for me because of divorce rules. Anyway, sounds as though hubby is not having to commute everyday, so the couple times a week he does, I think that's what he should do. You don't want your child in the car 3+ hours a day. It's not good for you or the baby. I would move. Let hubby commute.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.