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Car Talk - Battle of the Turn Signals


Wife vs. Husband: Battle of the Turn Signals


Dear Car Talk


turn signals, spouses

Dear Car Talk:

My husband insists that he does NOT have to use turn signals if he is in a designated turn lane. I disagree, and we argue about this whenever it happens. Under other circumstances, he gets mad when other drivers don't use their directionals, and he is vocal about it. What do you say?

-- Barb

I say you're 100 percent right, Barb. So I guess I should also say goodbye to your husband, since I doubt he'll ever read my column again. 

He definitely should use his turn signals. It's required by law in most states, even in turn lanes. 

While the person behind him in the "Left Turn Only" lane probably can guess that your husband is planning to turn left (and isn't just some moron who accidentally pulled into a left-turn lane), people coming from the other direction need to know your husband's intentions, too.

Think about this scenario: Hubby is first in line in a Left Turn Only lane. He knows it's a Left Turn Only lane because he's seen the signs or the arrows painted on the roadway.

But the guy coming the other way, on the other side of the street, has no idea it's a Left Turn Only lane; he can't see the arrows or signs. 

The only way he knows your husband intends to cut across traffic in front of him is by seeing your husband's turn signal. So for that reason alone, we'd side with you. 

Plus, it's just a good habit to have. Like not disagreeing -- vehemently -- with your wife about something you're ignorant about. I'm still working on that one myself. 

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turn signals, spouses



TLei10 hours ago

I use mine all the time. I've even been criticized for using them in the middle of nowhere. I have one response though for those who say they don't use them when there are no other drivers on the road. It frustrates the heck out of me, when, as a pedestrian, I'm waiting for a driver to make up their mind which way they are going before I can cross. The signal is for everyone, including pedestrians, not just for other drivers.


idiot66615 hours ago

You should always use the turn signals. It helps develop good driving habits!

cwatkin12 hours ago

In Missouri they have those electronic sign boards to announce traffic problems ahead on the major highways. When they are not needed for this purpose, they have stuff about buckling up and not drinking and driving. Recently they have been saying "Don't let your last words be in a txt" and "Turn signals: the original instant message." I think it is pretty good.

hyhybt18 hours ago

I admit there is one situation where I don't always use my turn signals: when it's clear there's nobody but me on either road, and therefore nobody to see them. Sometimes I'll do it anyway, but it feels silly. (But yes, I do come to a complete stop at all stop signs and look carefully to make sure nobody's coming.)

marcintosh hyhybt16 hours ago

I agree. I've always said that turn signals are to communicate with other drivers. If there are no other drivers around, you're just talking to yourself.


jakdedert11 hours ago

In any case, he had to have left the regular lane in order to get into the left turn-only lane; so he should have used a turn signal then. Why turn it off?

7 LeRoi211 hours ago

How about he uses the turn signals as he sees fit while he is driving, and you do the same. Both of you agree to never criticize the others driving. Problem solved.

KitHope4 hours ago

Using your turn signal every time you turn or change lanes is a good habit to get into. It becomes automatic and you don't have to think about it.


ONeil7 hours ago

It's also a blatant invitation to the local constabulary to pull you over and see what misery can be inflicted


JDMast2 hours ago

Another good reason to use turn signals. I didn't one day and a cop saw me. The ticket cost me $225.00.

Art B4 hours ago

One, the law used to say something about if another car is about 500 feet away. No use flashing the Nat about to hit your windshield. Two, as an accountant, every thing ever built is headed to the junk yard. Almost like it has an internal counter counting down to the trash heap. Every time you hear that "click" is one less time it will click. (not that more than a few of us know when it blinks fast that the bulb is gone.) .And don't get me going about the wasted gas mileage or about the volt the alternator has to put out.



The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.

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