DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am horrified and disgusted that electronic invitations have changed the nature of offering hospitality. It is particularly distasteful to view a guest list and the responses from each, whether responding Yes, No or Maybe.
Since when is "maybe" a legitimate RSVP?
I, personally, refuse to respond through one of those buttons. Therefore, my response does not show on the website, causing my name to stand out as one who has not answered.
Silly and embarrassing, isn't it? Your thoughts, please, on this outrageous application as a tool for invitations.
GENTLE READER: Electronic invitations would be fine for very informal events, if only they did not encourage rudeness.
The ones you describe do. "Maybe" is not an acceptable answer. Nor should there be any way for the guests to scrutinize the guest list or the other responses.
So Miss Manners assures you that you need not be embarrassed by responding individually. However, if you would like to emphasize your point and make it easier for the host to tally numbers, you could reply "Yes" or "No" as appropriate, and write in the comments, "Please find a written response in the mail."