RAY: Some engineers were contemplating building a suspension bridge across the gorge at Niagara Falls. You know what a gorge is, right?
TOM: It's what I do at Thanksgiving.
RAY: Exactly. So, you’ve got a raging river below, and you've got to get cables for the suspension bridge from one side to the other. But, there's no way to get the cables across, because there was no boat that could fight that current.
The engineers and builders figured out how to do it, and they staged a contest on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The contest was open to the public, and the purpose was to help get these massive cables across the gorge.
The contest was won by a young boy. And shortly after the contest was completed, they were able to run the cables from one side of the gorge to the other.
What was the contest?
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
Well jet boats are on the gorge and kayaks have been allowed, so a small rope could be pulled by boat.
If the location is upstream from the diverts for the power plants water could be diverted indefinitely to slow the current. If the location is downstream from the generators they could empty the reservoirs and slow the current until the reservoirs fill.