DEAR ABBY: My soon-to-be daughter-in-law complains about my son to me. She's not happy with his job or his boss, but he is. She says he embarrasses her and gets upset when his work must come first. Abby, my son is in charge of the company.
I don't understand why she would marry someone she feels this way about. I struggle with whether to talk to my son about it or not. I'm afraid he will say something to her and she will be upset with me. He is a happy young man, and it seems his fiancee only wants to change him. He's almost 30, and I don't see him changing to her satisfaction. Please advise. -- BITING MY TONGUE FOR NOW IN ARIZONA
DEAR BITING: Your son's fiancee is complaining to the wrong person. Before talking to your son about her complaints, talk to her about them and suggest she talk to him. If your son is happy in his job, happy with his employers and being well compensated for his work ethic and ability, she should be happy for him, not embarrassed. It's important that he know how she feels before the wedding, because if he learns about it afterward, there will be problems.
However, if she's unwilling to communicate her feelings to your son, then let him know she has "concerns" about his job and suggest he discuss them with her before they say any "I do's."
Oh my gosh, he needs to drop that biotch before it's to late. If she isn't happy now, she sure as hell won't be after the wedding. She will always have something to complain about.
What do men see in women like this biotch?
I can think of only one thing..
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
Why on earth is she complaining to his mother? Not the brightest girl either.
My fMIL or MIL would be the LAST person I would complain to. I've only gone to my MIL ONE time with an issue. It was when he was laid off and so stressed out about it. I no longer knew what to say to him or how to get through to him. I asked my MIL to talk to him. He wouldn't talk to her because he already knew there was an issue. She's a stupid girl. You don't involve the IL's or FIL's.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Yep, and needs to tell future DIL that she will tell her son how unhappy DIL is with him and DIL can go from there. I would butt in enough to let my son know how the DIL complains about him, then let him take it from there.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.