UPDATE: Planned Parenthood responds.
New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s top doctor describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies, in some cases using an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure.
“I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Dr. Deborah Nucatola, PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services, tells actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company in the video. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”
The footage was obtained by the Center for Medical Progress as part of a 3-year investigative effort.
Nucatola oversees the abortion practices of all PPFA clinics, trains abortion doctors and performs abortions herself at a clinic in Los Angeles up to 24 weeks. While eating a salad in the video, she describes how she has a “huddle” at the beginning of each day to figure out which scheduled abortions are most likely to yield the body parts needed for buyers, and then plan accordingly.
“For example, I had 8 cases yesterday,” she says. “And I knew exactly what we needed, and I kinda looked at the list and I said, alright, this 17-weeker has 8 lams, and this one — So I knew which were the cases that were probably more likely to yield what we needed, and I made my decisions according to that too.”
When doctors are under “ultrasound guidance,” Nucatola says they sometimes manipulate the position of the unborn baby so that the head comes out last, which is an illegal procedure considered a partial-birth abortion. The parts are then sold for anywhere between $30 and $100, she says.
“Calvarium — the head — is basically the biggest part,” she says. “Most of the other stuff can come out intact. It’s very rare to have a patient that doesn’t have enough dilation to evacuate the other parts.”
“To bring the body part out intact and all that?” one of the undercover actors asks.
“Exactly,” Nucatola says. “So then you’re just kind of cognizant where you put your graspers, you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax.”
“We’ve been very good at getting lung, heart, liver, because we know that, so I’m not going to crush that part,” she adds. “I’m going to basically crush below, I’m going to crush above and I’m going to see if I can get it all intact.”
Asked whether the buyers can contract with PPFA as a whole, Nucatola says there was a discussion about coming together and presenting buyers with “a menu,” but the legal team was not comfortable with that. So each clinic has to contract with the buyer separately.
Selling human body parts is a federal felony, and trafficking body parts from an aborted baby is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $500,000. Partial-birth abortion is also a federal felony and is punishable by up to two years in prison and/or a fine of up to $250,000.
“At the end of the day they just decided right now it’s too touchy an issue for us to be an official middleman,” she says, adding she doesn’t expect that to change anytime soon.
“You talk to my litigation folks, anything that’s going to the Supreme Court right now, we’re all losers.”
The video also shows PPFA CEO Cecile Richards praising Nucatola’s work. “She’s amazing,” Richards tells the undercover actors.
“Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization,” CMP project lead David Daleiden said in a statement Tuesday. “Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.
Neither PPFA nor Nucatola responded to requests for comment.
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