Sarah Palin pulled no punches when calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood on Sunday, pointing out that it was Planned Parenthood, not the Confederate flag, which killed 90,000 black babies in 2014.
In a Facebook status update, Palin posted a picture of the Confederate flag next to the Planned Parenthood logo, then asked, “Which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year? #Defund Planned Parenthood.” By Monday, the post had garnered almost 111,000 likes and 59,000 shares.
Palin has consistently updated her Facebook page following the revelation that Planned Parenthood executives allegedly confessed selling fetal body parts.
Planned Parenthood receives roughly $500 million in government funding every year, although federal funding is barred from paying for abortions. Planned Parenthood performed 327,000 abortions in 2014.
Palin has been a consistent and ardent foe of abortion. In her 2009 book, Going Rogue, she outlined her uncompromising position:
But the debate moderator decided to personalize his hypotheticals with a series of “what if…” questions:
Q: If a woman were, say, raped…
A: I would choose life.
Q: If your daughter were pregnant…
A: Again, I would choose life.”
Q: If your teenage daughter got pregnant…
A: I’d counsel a young parent to choose life & consider adoption.
GOP leaders are acting to remove funding for Planned Parenthood; on Friday, Senate Majority Leader
(R-Ky.) completed a fast-track process for legislation removing the funding;
has brought the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 before the House. House Majority Leader
wants the funding for Planned Parenthood stopped until an investigation of the alleged sale of fetal body parts has been completed.