Subway restaurant spokesman Jared Fogle is expected to plead guilty to child porn charges, five weeks after federal officials raided his Indiana home.
It’s the end of the ride for Subway pitchman Jared Fogle.
The svelte fast food spokesman is expected to plead guilty to child pornography charges five weeks after federal investigators raided his Indiana home, an Indianapolis television station reported.
The U.S. attorney in Indianapolis was due to reveal the details at a Wednesday news conference, according to Fox59 News.
The station reported that Fogle, in a plea bargain deal, will admit to possession of child pornography.
Fogle, who became a bit of a global folk hero after dropping 245 pounds on a do-it-yourself diet of Subway sandwiches, came under investigation last month.
During the July raid in Zionsville, Ind., authorities seized several computers and DVDs from the home of the married dad.
Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle To Plead Guilty To Child Porn Charges
Jared Fogle, the former Subway Spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possesion of child pornagraphy charges, FOX59 has confirmed.
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Former Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle To Plead Guilty To Child Porn Charges
Jared Fogle, the former Subway Spokesman, is expected to plead guilty to possesion of child pornagraphy charges, FOX59 has confirmed.
WXIN - Indianapolis, IN
Neither federal prosecutors, the FBI nor Fogel’s attorney Ron Elberger returned calls Tuesday afternoon for comment.
But the former head of Fogle’s charitable foundation was arrested earlier this year on similar charges, with investigators charging that Russell Taylor had more than 500 vile images of children in his possession.
Taylor unsuccessfully tried to kill himself while behind bars in May. He remains jailed on eight counts of child pornography.
And a one-time Florida TV journalist came forward with allegations of creepy comments made by Fogle about underaged girls.
“Middle-school girls are hot,” she quoted him as saying several times.
Michael Conroy/AP
Fogle's home was raided by federal agents five weeks ago.
Michael Conroy/AP
Federal authorities walk out of the home of Jared Fogle on July 7, in Zionsville, Ind. FBI agents and Indiana State Police removed electronics from the property.
Jeff Roberson/AP
Subway removed Fogle as their pitchman after the allegations came out.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I agree. Sad for the kids. Mr. Fogle's kids, and the kids in the kiddie porn. How can people do that?
People like this are almost enough to shake my faith. Almost. But then I remember Job and that God allows Satan to test us. Sometimes we fail the test.