4 eastern provinces (the island ones) have reported in; all Liberal. We're waiting on the middle of the country, which is known to be heavily Conservative (this is thought to be a bad thing by most of us). Then the West. If the Liberals stay in a strong majority we'll all survive. As long as the conservatives are out. Waiting to see if the NDP pick up steam. It's weird that they're taking almost ZERO seats in the east. The Libs are up 81% over the 2011 election.
Polls haven't even closed in Western Canada yet, so we won't have results for a while yet. It's literally pen-and-paper-drop-in-box voting, so it all has to be counted by hand.
Aaaaaand we have a Liberal majority government. It was actually called before the polls even closed here on the west coast. It's one of the biggest landslides in recent memory. And Harper, the big baby that he is, has quit his party. He took second place, which was shocking to me. I didn't think he would get that far.
I was/am shocked by the results across the board - very different from my predictions, but it's not the worst it could have turned out.
Harper. And from what I've heard and read about him, all Canadians should have been worried. He was unilaterally deciding on who was a "real" Canadian and who wasn't. His overreach of power was unbelievable...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Harper. And from what I've heard and read about him, all Canadians should have been worried. He was unilaterally deciding on who was a "real" Canadian and who wasn't. His overreach of power was unbelievable...
And he's out. He quit as leader of his Conservative party. He did win his seat, so he might stay in parliament, but there are rumors that he might quit all together. We will wait and see. I was worried. An entire Province voted heavily conservative - like, 98%. It was scary - He's a scary dictatorial racist and divisive guy who could have done some real damage to the country with another term in power. I'm glad he's out. Justin is a little young for my taste (although not much younger than Harper was when he first took power) but inexperienced for the world stage. However, as some of our other Canadian leaders have pointed out, with inexperience comes a need for experienced council and Justin will need to surround himself with powerful and smart people, and I support that too. The more voices the better. Today is a new day. As long as Justin lives up to his promises he will do well.