DEAR ABBY: Up to this point in my academic career, I have always been known for being a smart, diligent student. I graduated from high school with academic accolades and one of the highest GPAs in the graduating class.
However, since starting college this semester, I have become apathetic toward school, as if to say, "I have worked this hard already; why bother working anymore?" Because of this, I'm failing most of my classes -- as only a freshman, mind you. Although I recognize my attitude is terrible, I haven't been able to get rid of it and get to work again.
I'm confused about where this apathy came from, and I don't want it to get any worse. Would you have any ideas as to why I might feel this way, and possible suggestions about how to get myself back on track? -- UNMOTIVATED IN MARYLAND
DEAR UNMOTIVATED: Not knowing you and your circumstances, I can't be sure why you're feeling the way you do. That's why I'm advising you to head for the student counseling center right away, and talk to someone about these feelings of "apathy." You may be depressed, or need a break from your studies before you can go full speed ahead. The college environment can be overwhelming because it is so different from what you have been used to. But you won't know what is causing this unless you ask.