As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us are thankful to be Americans — citizens of a free and prosperous nation founded on solid constitutional principles that are a beacon of liberty to the world.
Some inhabitants of the U.S., however, do not seem thankful to be Americans. Their words and actions suggest strongly they do not appreciate this country, its history, and its founding principles. These people are called Democrats.
President Obama spent years listening to the sermons of Jeremiah Wright, a racist who spews anti-American vitriol from his pulpit and who once told his congregation, “Not God Bless America. God Damn America! That’s in the Bible … God Damn America for treating her citizen as less than human! God Damn America as long as she keeps trying to act like she is God and she is supreme!”
Democrats also have a clear dislike for the values that made America great, as well as the country itself. Self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Barack “spread-the-wealth-around” Obama are dedicated enemies of the free-market system that made the U.S. one of the wealthiest nations on earth, the engine that powers the American Dream.
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Sanders favors an unsustainable $15 an hour minimum wage and economy-killing tax hikes, while Obama has brought in wave after wave of new regulations that strangle economic productivity — over 20,000 in his first six years, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Democrats despise such traditional American values as the right to keep and bear arms and faith in God, epitomized in Obama’s arrogant comment that small-town Americans “cling to guns and religion … as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Not only do Democrats display a visible contempt for American founding principles, they are also frequently ignorant of them. In an interview with GQ last week, Obama complained of his inability to act like a dictator, saying, “What I didn’t fully appreciate, and nobody can appreciate until they’re in the position, is how decentralized power is in this system.”
This is an astonishing comment from a man who graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude and was a guest “lecturer” at the University of Chicago covering the U.S. Constitution. Most Americans are able to appreciate how decentralized power is in the U.S. political system after a single high school civics class. Separation of powers and checks and balances are a defining feature of the American system and one that has made it so appealing the world over.
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But Democrats’ contempt for America and American principles is so strong that they don’t even believe Americans should govern themselves, frequently displaying enthusiasm for supranational organizations like the United Nations and taking every opportunity possible, it seems to undermine American sovereignty.
Obama’s desire to push through the Trans-Pacific trade deal and an international climate change agreement suggests he would rather have decisions affecting Americans made by foreign bureaucrats, not representatives of the American people.
Nothing reveals the Democrats’ lack of appreciation for America more than their indifference to the safety of the American people.
Nothing reveals the Democrats’ lack of appreciation for America more than their indifference to the safety of the American people. The Obama administration has repeatedly put the safety of Americans at risk, from supporting hasty regime change in Egypt that saw the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power, to funneling millions of dollars of equipment to anti-Assad forces in Syria, a woefully misguided decision that ultimately fueled the rapid rise of ISIS.
And in the wake of the ISIS attack on Paris, which exposed Obama’s days-earlier claim that ISIS is “contained” as a blatant lie, Obama held a news conference in which he appeared more angry with journalists for questioning his security narrative than with ISIS for slaughtering 130 innocent people.
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This was likely due to Obama’s desire to see America flooded with Syrian refugees, a desire at odds with that of the majority of the American people. Obama has voiced strong opposition even against efforts for tighter security screening of Syrian refugees — let alone keeping them out altogether — and presumably believes the safety risk these “refugees” pose to the American people is worth the potential of adding tens of thousands of new Democrat voters to the rolls.
Democrats no doubt enjoy spending time on Thanksgiving with their families and feasting on turkey and pumpkin pie as much as the rest of us. But their political behavior makes it hard to believe they’re as thankful for this incredible country, its values, and the opportunity it provides.