First there was transgenderism. Then, with Rachel Dolezal, there was transracialism. There was transethnicity. Then there was transableism. Then there was otherkin. And now, if you can even believe it, there’s transageism.
According to that sourcelink, transgender Stefonknee Wolscht (formerly Paul Wolscht) was born a man, was married to a woman for over two decades, and fathered 7 children. He then decided he was a woman, changed his name to the stupidest spelling of “Stephanie” ever, and left his family. He even brags, in this interview, that he’s able to go a whole week without even THINKING about them.
Nice, huh?
Also, he’s “transaged.” Because he never got to be a young girl, you see. So now he’s living as a six year old little girl with two adoptive parents (even though he’s in his 50s.) That weirdness starts around the 3.30 minute mark.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children. But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now and I just live my life like I couldn’t when I was in school.”
And because his adoptive parents are apparently completely fine with warping their own kids/grandkids, Stefonknee said:
“Well, I have a mummy and a daddy. [An] adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl. And their children, and their grandchildren, are totally supportive. In fact, her youngest granddaughter… When I was eight. A year ago, I was eight, and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since. We have a great time. We color, we do kids stuff. It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play.”
So, the documentary from which this interview is taken is called the Transgender Project. And, I’m sure its purpose is to build tolerance and compassion for people who are transgender. Ok. I get that. I’ve always been sympathetic to people with gender dysphoria, because it’s a DISORDER. It’s one of life’s cruel tricks on humans – just like any other disorder.
But it’s one thing to sympathize and be kind and compassionate to people who struggle with difficult disorders, and ENTIRELY ANOTHER to pretend as though this is all perfectly normal. And this transageism crap is going too far. It’s preposterous for people to pretend this is anything but freaking bizarre as hell, and why we have this new societal/cultural need to encourage people to be the biggest possible freaks they can possibly be these days, I cannot understand.
You know who I sympathize with? Stefonknee’s ex-family. The 7 children he no longer has contact with and the wife whose life he turned upside down. Perhaps their estrangement is desired mutually – I don’t know. But regardless, his indifference and callousness about them is just gross.
Cue accusations that I’m some sort of huge bigoted transphobe or something, because I refuse to jump on the, “Oh yes this is all perfectly acceptable and normal” train. I see the Emperor, you guys, and he has NO FREAKING CLOTHES ON.