So voting will end in a few moments in most places, 8:00 at 20 precincts. I went after work and it was amazing. The line of traffic from all ways was incredible. Took me 45 minutes to get to the polling place which would normally take me 5 minutes. People were actually parking 3/4 of a mile away and walking to the building. The line to get into the building was even more incredible given it's length. Luckily, they had people outside helping the lines form. My last name begins with a letter that had no line so I lucked out.
It will be interesting to see how this goes. My guess is we will see one candidate drop out after tonight, and several more after S Carolina's primary.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because the Dems picked two horrible choices. You have the known liar and the guy pushing for socialism. If the Dems had a decent person a lot of Trump supporters would go over to the Dem side.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because the Dems picked two horrible choices. You have the known liar and the guy pushing for socialism. If the Dems had a decent person a lot of Trump supporters would go over to the Dem side.
Well, one horrible choice at least, but you bring up a good point!
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because the Dems picked two horrible choices. You have the known liar and the guy pushing for socialism. If the Dems had a decent person a lot of Trump supporters would go over to the Dem side.
This was not a vote of Dem Vs Republican. Trump was not on the ticket against Dems. Registered voters had to take a ballot for whichever party they are registered. The independent voter who can choose which ballot to vote had plenty of choices, there were about 20 on the republican ballot and my understanding about 15 on the democrat ballot.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because the Dems picked two horrible choices. You have the known liar and the guy pushing for socialism. If the Dems had a decent person a lot of Trump supporters would go over to the Dem side.
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because he actually appears to want to tackle actual problems versus pretending we can just keep spending ourselves to oblivion and bury our heads in Middle Eastern sand.
Hillary COULD have been in a far better position. If, after Obama got elected, she hadn't panicked. Everyone was falling over Obama's feet like a bunch of lap dogs. She should have congratulated Obama and stepped aside and went back to the Senate and waited for the bloom to blow off the stinking onion. But, no, she freaked and had to jump into his Administration. She could have been the most powerful voice and critic in the Senate and really had influence in crafting Obama's agenda. Instead, Obama made a brilliant move, which was to put her under his thumb and give her a Title but no real power. I have to give him credit for taking down the Clintons.
Which again also proves, that the oldest woman always gets kicked off the Island. Just watch Survivor. Even if the oldest woman is smart, hard working, resourceful, etc. it doesn't matter. The girls in tube tops will kick your arse to the curb. That is Life 101. Reality is reality.
Which again also proves, that the oldest woman always gets kicked off the Island. Just watch Survivor. Even if the oldest woman is smart, hard working, resourceful, etc. it doesn't matter. The girls in tube tops will kick your arse to the curb. That is Life 101. Reality is reality.
Nope. Not buying into Hillary's "sexism" propaganda. People are kicking her to the curb because she's a snake in the grass liar. Nobody trusts her.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Which again also proves, that the oldest woman always gets kicked off the Island. Just watch Survivor. Even if the oldest woman is smart, hard working, resourceful, etc. it doesn't matter. The girls in tube tops will kick your arse to the curb. That is Life 101. Reality is reality.
Nope. Not buying into Hillary's "sexism" propaganda. People are kicking her to the curb because she's a snake in the grass liar. Nobody trusts her.
And, she reminds men of the bitchy ex wife they divorced as well lol. Yeah, the Victim card isn't playing! Bwaaah!!!
Which again also proves, that the oldest woman always gets kicked off the Island. Just watch Survivor. Even if the oldest woman is smart, hard working, resourceful, etc. it doesn't matter. The girls in tube tops will kick your arse to the curb. That is Life 101. Reality is reality.
Or maybe we don't like her because she is untrustworthy and unreliable? I don't see why I should be obligated to vote for her just because we have the same bits.
Which again also proves, that the oldest woman always gets kicked off the Island. Just watch Survivor. Even if the oldest woman is smart, hard working, resourceful, etc. it doesn't matter. The girls in tube tops will kick your arse to the curb. That is Life 101. Reality is reality.
Or maybe we don't like her because she is untrustworthy and unreliable? I don't see why I should be obligated to vote for her just because we have the same bits.
Oh, i agree. Of course she is untrustworthy and unreliable. She's a crook. But, just making the point that there is some harsh reality to being an aging woman.
One interesting thing is that elections are fickle. And, when you star is rising, you really need to go All In. Like Christie for instance, he really should have went All in 4 yrs ago. i think he would have fared much better. People tend to move on pretty quickly. Your chance is your chance. For Sanders, it would seem that he is an unlikely front runner. He didnt' spend years and years and plan and plan. He tossed his hat in the ring and is now taking off. Other Dems just sat back thinking they couldn't challenge Hillary. Everyone needs to stop thinking that "oh they are a sure thing or that person is unelectable", blah, blah. You dont' KNOW who is or isn't electable until they actually run and try.
One of the reasons Trump is doing so well is because the Dems picked two horrible choices. You have the known liar and the guy pushing for socialism. If the Dems had a decent person a lot of Trump supporters would go over to the Dem side.
I'd be voting for Trump no matter what. He's my first choice. I'm done with "lifetime" politicians and he's 97% similar to me with his views. I took the quiz! lol!
He has real business skills. He knows how to create jobs. He's my first pick too. I could also go for Cruz.
He does. He has contacts. He's paying for his own campaign so he's not going to be swayed by special interests. He's going to be different... and at this point, different is good! I DO NOT want more of the same.
You DO KNOW that Trump is accepting money from different sources now?
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
And Obama has done what exactly to create jobs. HVAC Carrier is sending 1400 jobs to Mexico.
What the heck will Hill or Bern do to create jobs? All they do is take.
I don't know if Trump will succeed. For over a year now I've been waiting for his numbers to drop after each gaff, but they don't drop. What I do know is he has changed things in the election process and behavior of the candidates. He emphasizes what the real issues are and so forces the other candidates to focus on those same issues. I do like him. He insults people just as O does. O may not use words such as "idiot" or "ugly", he uses comparisons to idiots or ugliness instead, his little PC way. Trump is not PC and that is a welcome relief in many ways.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I don't know why he wouldn't succeed? Obviously he has an excellent chance too. I guess it depends on how many dead Dem voters turn up and how many precincts get over 100% of voters on election day!
He has real business skills. He knows how to create jobs. He's my first pick too. I could also go for Cruz.
His business skills are bully and berate.
And he has said so, so many times that he will do and say whatever it takes to seal a deal.
He is a liar, just saying what will rile people up to win.
I don't think he give a flying fvck about the actually people in this country, I think he wants to stoke his ego by duping everyone into voting for him so he becomes president.
Obama was a disappointment to many of his voters. Trump would be a disaster.
Trump concerns me b/c one of my biggest complaints about Obama is how he tries to rule like a dictator when Congress won't do what he wants. Trump seems like he'll do more of the same. Congress is supposed to make the laws, people - not the president.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
He has real business skills. He knows how to create jobs. He's my first pick too. I could also go for Cruz.
His business skills are bully and berate.
And he has said so, so many times that he will do and say whatever it takes to seal a deal.
He is a liar, just saying what will rile people up to win.
I don't think he give a flying fvck about the actually people in this country, I think he wants to stoke his ego by duping everyone into voting for him so he becomes president.
Obama was a disappointment to many of his voters. Trump would be a disaster.
Trump concerns me b/c one of my biggest complaints about Obama is how he tries to rule like a dictator when Congress won't do what he wants. Trump seems like he'll do more of the same. Congress is supposed to make the laws, people - not the president.
You are right about this. Trump has even stated, more than once, that if Obama can rule like a dictator than so can he. He said he plans on doing some of the same stunts that Obama did as far as being a dictator.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Trump concerns me b/c one of my biggest complaints about Obama is how he tries to rule like a dictator when Congress won't do what he wants. Trump seems like he'll do more of the same. Congress is supposed to make the laws, people - not the president.
You are right about this. Trump has even stated, more than once, that if Obama can rule like a dictator than so can he. He said he plans on doing some of the same stunts that Obama did as far as being a dictator.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Though Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide over Hillary Clinton, he will likely receive fewer delegates than she will.
Sanders won 60 percent of the vote, but thanks to the Democratic Party’s nominating system, he leaves the Granite State with at least 13 delegates while she leaves with at least 15 delegates.
New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates, which are allotted based on the popular vote. Sanders has 13, and Clinton has 9, with 2 currently allotted to neither.
But under Democratic National Committee rules, New Hampshire also has 8 “superdelegates,” party officials who are free to commit to whomever they like, regardless of how their state votes. Their votes count the same as delegates won through the primary.
Radio host Rush Limbaugh commented on the absurdity of the Democratic Party process, saying, “What kind of system is that? You go in and you get skunked, you get schlonged, your get landslided out by 22 points and you leave the state with two more delegates than Bernie. Bernie’s always talking about how this system’s rigged and that system’s rigged, the economy is rigged and Wall Street’s rigged. Wait ’til he finds out that New Hampshire was rigged.”
Overall, Clinton holds a commanding lead over Sanders, with 394 delegates compared to 42 for Sanders.
Gotta love the Dem party. You win but you don't win. They whine all the time about wanting everything to be the "popular vote", except when they want to have Super delegates. What a bunch of freaking hypocrites.