last thursday we'd closed for the day ( was the last one there ) and was walking to my car when an older subaru station wagon pulled off the highway right in front of the store--had blown out the passenger side rear tire and the lady driving had struggled to get the vehicle off the highway and into our main drive--walked over to her and was obvious she'd had one hell of a day already and was about to break down and cry--smiled and told her great job in handling the blow-out and by the way, where was her jack--she got out of the car, led me around to the back and after removing a significant pile of junk, located the jack and the spare--proceeded to change the flat and all the while she's on the phone to someone explaining what had happened and what was going on--was snugging the bolts and lowering the jack when she asked how much she owed me--just smiled and said " not a thing, m'am. "--she walked back to the driver's side, still on the phone and as I was putting the flat back in the car she came up to me with the phone and said " my husband says we need to pay you for your help "--- " this is texas, m'am. helping you has been my privelege. "--she took my hand in both of hers and said " thank you, thank you. "--was closing the liftgate as she walked back and got in the car--only then did I notice her plates were from maryland--no wonder she was expecting to pay me
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
DH and I were just starting out on our honeymoon - driving on the Pennsylvania and Ohio turnpikes - lots of tolls. His 6 children had LIBERALLY decorated the station wagon with lipstick, streamers, white shoe polish, you name it! We had lots of honks and waves as people passed us, always with a smile. When we got to the toll booths, we were grandly waved through - cars who had passed us had already paid our toll. In fact, one toll booth actually GAVE us money - several cars had paid for us!
But every day, little acts of kindness are more important. At least I think so.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Every once in a while, I'll sit down with the Sunday coupons, and cut them all out; arrange them by category, and as I'm doing my own shopping, I'll stick a coupon where the next shopper will see it, if they are looking for a specific item.