It frustrates me to no end when a seemingly intelligent liberal friend will say "but he wants to stop all immigration". It's like, and we graduated from the same college?
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Oh, i think the politicians understand EXACTLY what they are doing. I think Obama understands exactly what he is doing. The whole point of illegal immigration is to create a new voting block. Period. And, to create a dependent class of people that depends on their Lords for their daily crumb. If you depend on them for your daily crumb, then you are beholden to them and will vote for them forever as long as they keep promising to help you and give you your crumb. It's evil. Their approach to life destroys the human spirit. It denigrates humanity. They rob people of their integrity and work ethic and pride and strength. They regulate, outlaw, make laws that prevent you from being able to even help yourself. Oh, you have coal or oil or gas on your property? Too bad. Good luck with that as govt often owns the mineral rights on your property. You could have gold under your feet but govt will make laws to prevent you from digging it. They create helplessness and hopelessness by creating and promoting lifelong govt dependence. WHich is exactly what they want to keep and maintain their power.
Oh, i think the politicians understand EXACTLY what they are doing. I think Obama understands exactly what he is doing. The whole point of illegal immigration is to create a new voting block. Period. And, to create a dependent class of people that depends on their Lords for their daily crumb. If you depend on them for your daily crumb, then you are beholden to them and will vote for them forever as long as they keep promising to help you and give you your crumb. It's evil. Their approach to life destroys the human spirit. It denigrates humanity. They rob people of their integrity and work ethic and pride and strength. They regulate, outlaw, make laws that prevent you from being able to even help yourself. Oh, you have coal or oil or gas on your property? Too bad. Good luck with that as govt often owns the mineral rights on your property. You could have gold under your feet but govt will make laws to prevent you from digging it. They create helplessness and hopelessness by creating and promoting lifelong govt dependence. WHich is exactly what they want to keep and maintain their power.
umm yeah, something us non establishment repubs have been saying for a long time!
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
There is no official definition of the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath, and some say that the terms are largely interchangeable. In fact, the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) lists both psychopathy and sociopathy under the heading of Antisocial Personalities. Both psychopaths and sociopaths engage in similar actions and tend to have similar characteristics. The idea of psychopathy is older than that of sociopathy, and has a more defined means of diagnosis. Some differentiate between these conditions based on their proposed causes, but others disagree with this method, as the causes of both conditions are not definitively known. Additionally, both of these conditions are generally considered to be different from psychosis and Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD), though these terms are sometimes associated with them.
Both a psychopath and a sociopath have a complete disregard for the feelings and rights of others. This often surfaces by age 15 and may be accompanied by cruelty to animals. These traits are distinct and repetitive, creating a pattern of misbehavior that goes beyond normal adolescent mischief. Both fail to feel remorse or guilt. They appear to lack a conscience and are completely self-serving. They routinely disregard rules, social mores and laws, and don't care about putting themselves or others at risk.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.