The author of a children’s coloring book has invented a character named “Toni the Tampon” to instruct children that men can menstruate.
Cass Clemmer, the author of The Adventures of Toni the Tampon, has been using her coloring book character to “destigmatize” menstruation. Now, however, she also wants to “de-gender” the female biological process and to persuade children that men get periods too.
Clemmer’s latest adventure of Toni the Tampon is one aspect of the progressive campaign to blur the differences between male and female, and to ultimately create a “genderless” society which bars the commonplace civic distinctions between biological males and biological females in a heterosexual society.
This larger political campaign is also pushing judges to permit men to change their legal sex by simply declaring they have a female “gender identity.” That ruling would allow men to freely use women’s shower rooms, women’s shelters, and women’s athletic leagues. The ideology also says that women with the “gender identity” of men should be described as men — even when they are menstruating.
The artist says Toni the Tampon purposely has a gender-ambiguous name because she hoped to create a coloring book that was “affirming to all menstruators.”
“I’d rather help just one genderqueer or trans menstruator feel like they were seen than sell a thousand copies only to reinforce the boundaries society draws by gendering periods in the first place,” she says.
The Washington, D.C.-based artist posted on Instagram:
The right-wing media has attacked my #periodcoloringbook all week – calling it “child abuse” because it affirms trans and gender non conforming menstruators. In response, I am donating all profits from this week to the @translifeline If you stand with menstruators of all genders, please share this post. When they go low, we go high. In solidarity – Cass & Toni
Clemmer, who hails from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, developed her main character because she said she grew up in an environment in which sex was not discussed openly.
“I didn’t know what a uterus was, and I didn’t know where this blood was even coming from or why” she told Mashable recently. “The only thing I was taught was how to clean it up so the world didn’t see it — and then I was sent on my way to figure the rest out myself.”
“It’s a tough conversation to have with kids, especially when you consider that adults are often struggling with their own internalized period shame,” she added. “But hopefully, by opening up a fun and creative gateway to discussion, my period coloring book will help make that conversation a little easier.”
Other characters in the coloring book are named Marina the Menstrual Cup, Patrice the Pad, and a male character – Sebastian the Sponge.
“And, yes, men do get periods,” says Mashable.
Newsbusters adds other examples of how the “PC police” are cracking down on “gendered” terms:
In August 2016, both The Atlantic and Cosmo ran articles on “chestfeeding,” the new inclusive name for breast-feeding. Because, you know, women aren’t the only ones who do it.
The following month, Time highlighted the pregnancy of a transgender man named Evan who struggled to conceive, but finally gave birth to a son after ceasing hormone treatments.
Even the radical feminist group Lady Parts Justice League got into hot water for its name. In an article for Slate, writer and activist Parker Molloy accused the group of “reinforcing biological essentialism, tying gender to genitals.”
“Although rational and scientific, the practice of biological essentialism offends a minute subset of the American people, and must therefore be eliminated – according to the liberal media, at least,” states Newsbusters.
Multiple polls show the transgender ideology is very unpopular. Read more about “gender identity” here.