Teen Vogue magazine drew the anger of many parents when it released a sleazy guide on how to have anal sex.
The magazine, marketed to teen girls, published the story titled “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know. How to do it the RIGHT way,” on July 7 to widespread consternation.
“This is anal 101, for teens, beginners, and all inquisitive folks,” the magazine declared.
The magazine goes on to describe how the act can be pleasurable for both males and females.
“Just because you have a vagina does not mean anal is off-limits. Many vagina owners love anal play. You don’t need to have a prostate to enjoy anal sex. For those without a prostate, having your anus stimulated can still be great — remember all those nerve endings are still in the fold here,” it tells girls.
“For those of you with prostates, being on the receiving end of anal sex can be a great experience,” it tells boys.
The magazine has published stories recently about a young star who said he lost his virginity at 13 to a boy and a girl, another with a map of every abortion clinic in America and one teaching about masturbation.
Again this is a magazine, as the name implies, for teenagers.
A Christian, conservative mom, known as The Activist Mommy, had a, shall we say, fiery response to the magazine and its amoral writing.
“I cannot believe what this Teen Vogue piece of trash has printed in its June edition. They are teaching children 11 through 17 — how to be safely sodomized,” she said.
She thumbed through the issue filled with sexual stories for kids that include masturbation and gender fluidity and asked parents to go to stores and demand the magazine be removed.
“These editor’s brains are in the gutter. Now let’s put their sales in the gutter where they belong,” she said before tearing the magazine apart and burning it in a fire.
This is a great article slamming teen vogue for turning girls into nothing but "non-prostate owners" and failing to provide the health warnings about anal sex.
More than 10 million people have viewed a video of Johnston burning a copy of Teen Vogue in her backyard.
Phillip Picardi, the magazine’s digital editorial director, fired back in a flurry of tweets – culminating with a photo of him embracing another man while holding up his middle finger.
He said they had been “inundated with hate mail saying we promote sodomy and want teens to get AIDS.”
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.