We are America. As a country, our biggest principles and rights hinge on individual freedoms of thought, expression, speech and religion. We can think and say the most outrageous things, and we express our beliefs without hindrance of the government. At least, that's what the beauty of America is supposed to be.
Lately, however, the thought police have taken over the media and have decided who to condemn and the thoughts that deserve freedom and those that don't. This is the antithesis of what America stands for.
Now, there are groups I don't agree with at all. Nazis? They are the scourge of society. We went to war to defeat and wipe out the Nazis of Germany, and I find the thought of American Nazis to be beyond disgusting. It goes against everything America is supposed to be.
But guess what? A name isn't what defines what you are. The media has labeled the people protesting against the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee all as "white nationalists" or "white supremacists" and claims they all sympathize with neo-nazis. That is just not true. I am against the removal of the statue and I do not sympathize with any Nazi whatsoever. They are disgusting.
What is a Nazi? A Nazi, other than a member of Germany's Nazi party, is defined as -
1.1derogatory A person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
1.2 A person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
‘I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio’
So, I'm going to posit that we've got a lot of Nazi ideology happening in this country right now. And not just by those being called Nazi's. When you want to wipe out the thoughts of others you don't agree with and when you want to lift one race above another - you are a Nazi.
Was everyone in Charlottesville a Nazi? No. But there were a whole lot of Nazi's on both sides.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I think that deserves a standing ovation. I am sick of the left screaming and crying about the neo-nazis at the demonstration yet NOT one word about the protester who brought bats with them (just in case I guess) and started the whole riot. If you don't want to be compared with the neo-Nazis then don't effing act like them.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
I'm so saddened by the thought of removing
statues of Civil War heroes - from EITHER
side. These men were part of our history -
you can't change or erase history - only learn
from it. Now things like segregated bathrooms
or water fountains, or seats on a bus - yes, they
should be changed, but don't forget that at one
time this was the "norm".
A pastor in Chicago asked a park board to remove the statue of George Washington because he owned slaves. It's not going to end with confederate statues.
it goes without saying that the hypocrisy of the left is breathtaking--and with every insult to america's time-honored fundamental values and traditions, the left seems emboldened even further--the silence of the center and the right(and, if there are any, the sane members of the left)needs to end--our patience is exhausted and, as with a petulant child or obnoxious brat, we need to act--in person, on the web, in the paper, on the street, at the ballot box, at the courthouse and bring this destructive behaviour of the left wing agitators(supported, of course, by the media)to an abrupt halt--a reckoning is coming here and has to if the republic is to survive
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke