DEAR ABBY: My middle-schooler noticed that the family of one of her classmates is struggling financially. The boy wears eyeglasses with a crooked frame and one missing lens. His clothing and shoes are shabby and worn.
Not knowing the student or his family, I know my options are limited. They rely on public transportation, and none of the other students know where they live.
Education is paramount to getting out of this jam. Without something as simple as glasses, I’m afraid it can’t be done.
Do you have any recommendations on how to help get this student a pair? Since I don’t know the family, how do I even offer a ride to an optometrist’s without fear of being labeled a kidnapper? — TRYING TO HELP IN THE WEST
DEAR TRYING TO HELP: A diplomatic way to handle it would be to discuss this with your daughter’s teacher or the school principal.
I agree a child who can’t see the blackboard has little chance of academic success. If you would like to provide transportation or pay for glasses for the boy, speaking with school staff would be the path with the least potential for embarrassment.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Yep, I am going with neglect, too. The parents must be aware of how the child is dressed, glasses broken, etc. Perhaps they don't care and are the kind of parents who will be up in arms if it is suggested they are neglectful.... Feel sorry for the child; hope the school can do something.....
Mom should contact the local Lions Club.
Their main charity is saving eyesight.
They go to schools, malls, churches, etc.
and give free basic vision screenings. If
they encounter the student with the bent
frames, they will fix them on the spot, &
they may even give him updated lenses
right then and there - and its all FREE !
Since they would be screening multiple
students, no one would be singled out.
Mom should contact the local Lions Club. Their main charity is saving eyesight. They go to schools, malls, churches, etc. and give free basic vision screenings. If they encounter the student with the bent frames, they will fix them on the spot, & they may even give him updated lenses right then and there - and its all FREE !
Since they would be screening multiple students, no one would be singled out.
I always donate my old frames and lenses to the Lions. Totally forgot about that. Nice reminder Moma.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.