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Post Info TOPIC: Coronavirus. Mutation of nature or biological warfare?

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Coronavirus. Mutation of nature or biological warfare?

Have y'all heard this? That some believe it could be a test of a biological weapon? 


On a funny note, how funny would the name be if this virus originated in Mexico?



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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Heard of it!! It is all that is on the news over here. The thing seems to be spreading like wildfire with no cure, no meds to help prevent getting it, etc.

Incubation seems to be 4 to 12 days during which time you can spread the virus to anyone and everyone you meet. This is being compared to the Spanish Flu in 1918 that killed thousands throughout the world.

Slowly getting to a panic stage over here. All anyone seems to know is that it is a brand new virus started (evidently) out in a shopping center in one of the provinces of China. From meat of wild animals compared to animals that have been bred for food.

Just have to buckle down and see what happens.

But, yes, I have heard of it.


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Then it would go well with Lyme Disease! Get it??

Anyways, apparently it came from some strange contaminated snake thing at an illegal restaurant. We have 1 case in Canada now, over in Toronto, but it sounds like the got their stuff together pretty quickly and the guy had self-isolated when he got off the plane. At least Toronto moved quick. With SARS they missed the boat completely and had a spread.



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My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Remember the old book, turned movie, Andromeda Strain? 

This makes me think of it. 

There are 3 confirmed cases in the USA. 

It'll get worse before it gets better.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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I wonder where these new virus come from? Not to sound like Greta, but I wonder if, as the world warms, dormant virus are returning to activity. Sure have had a lot of weird diseases in the past few years. (And I believe the earth is passing through a warmer part of space just as it has passed through colder parts etc. Ice age. Tropical plants and dinosaurs. Do not think there is much man can do about it.)


Just take it easy and think it over.

Frozen Sucks!

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I find it interesting that at least 3 of these viruses over the past 20 years seem to have originated in China.


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Yeah, somethings rotten in ....China.




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This makes me wonder if there is any type of connection to the virus?

Acclaimed Harvard Scientist Is Arrested, Accused Of Lying About Ties To China

Charles Lieber, the chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, has been arrested and criminally charged with making "false, fictitious and fraudulent statements" to the U.S. Defense Department about his ties to a Chinese government program to recruit foreign scientists and researchers.

The Justice Department says Lieber, 60, lied about his contact with the Chinese program known as the Thousand Talents Plan, which the U.S. has previously flagged as a serious intelligence concern. He also is accused of lying about about a lucrative contract he signed with China's Wuhan University of Technology.

In an affidavit unsealed Tuesday, FBI Special Agent Robert Plumb said Lieber, who led a Harvard research group focusing on nanoscience, had established a research lab at the Wuhan university — apparently unbeknownst to Harvard.

In response to the charges against Lieber, Harvard said in a statement to NPR: "The charges brought by the U.S. government against Professor Lieber are extremely serious. Harvard is cooperating with federal authorities, including the National Institutes of Health, and is initiating its own review of the alleged misconduct. Professor Lieber has been placed on indefinite administrative leave."

The arrangement between Lieber and the Chinese institution spanned "significant" periods of time between at least 2012 and 2017, according to the affidavit. It says the deal called for Lieber to be paid up to $50,000 a month, in addition to $150,000 per year "for living and personal expenses."

"Lieber was also awarded more than $1.5 million by WUT and the Chinese government to establish a research lab and conduct research at WUT," the document states.

For a large part of the time frame in question, Lieber was also the principal investigator on at least six U.S. Defense Department research grants, with a cumulative value of more than $8 million, according to the affidavit. It also says he was the principal investigator on more than $10 million in grants funded by the National Institutes of Health.

"These grants require the disclosure of significant foreign financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities," the U.S. Attorney's Office in Massachusetts said in a statement announcing the charges against Lieber.

In interviews with Defense Department investigators in 2018 and 2019, Lieber said that while he had heard of the Thousand Talents Plan, he had never been asked to be part of it, according to the affidavit. Lieber's email correspondence suggests he signed a three-year agreement and employment contract with WUT in 2012.

"Lieber was obligated to work for WUT 'not less than nine months a year' by 'declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and Ph.D. students, organizing international conference, applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of' WUT," the U.S. Attorney's Office said.

On its website, the Lieber Research Group at Harvard says its work is meant "to push scientific boundaries in biology and medicine."


Frozen Sucks!

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FS isn't that coincidentally. He is the guy I posted About yesterday.


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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

FS isn't that coincidentally. He is the guy I posted About yesterday.

Oh I didn't see your post yesterday. Sorry. But, it sure seems strange that this program is located in the city of origin for this virus. 


Frozen Sucks!

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Forever Sunshine wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

FS isn't that coincidentally. He is the guy I posted About yesterday.

Oh I didn't see your post yesterday. Sorry. But, it sure seems strange that this program is located in the city of origin for this virus. 

 I mentioned the arrest on the daily. Guy lives a block from my brother.


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Has anyone read Stephen King's The Stand (like, actually read it. The movie is horrificly done b movie)? The entire plot is that a biovirus escapes a lab and some guy gets out before lock down, but he's already infected and spreads it. Kills off most of the USA. If you haven't read it, it's a fantastic book - cool take on sociology and politics - but maybe now is not the time ....



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Reminds me of the movie, "Outbreak." Which was actually fact based.



On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I don't think it's a test so much as an accidental release.

China's number 1 viral research facility is located in Wuhan, China. I don't think that they would test it on their own local population.

Whether it was meant as biological warfare, or it was created while researching vaccines is something that needs to be investigated. I hope its the latter.

But, I think that this originating in the place where they do this type of research is too much of a coincidence. And I don't really believe in coincidence, anyway.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I did read the Stand - I read it when I was young.   Maybe I should read it again. 

-- Edited by Lawyerlady on Monday 3rd of February 2020 12:06:31 PM




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I'm getting really tired of people minimizing this by saying the flu killed more people last year.

Yes, the flu killed 10,000 people last year. Out of 19 MILLION. That's not even a 1/10th of one percent.

We're at a rate of 2% right now, and loads of those that haven't died yet are not out of the woods, yet. And this is spreading FAST - Faster than SARS, and more deadly.

I'll be stocking the pantry JIC we need a self-imposed quarantine. I not panicking, yet, but better prepared than not.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 


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Every morning the figures have jumped up - both of deaths and of infected. I am not sure we can trust truthful reporting from China; the numbers are probably far higher.

But, right, do not panic just have a well stocked pantry which is good advice anytime.

Here most people are wearing masks (although there is some debate as to whether they help or not). Cannot hurt.

Businesses catering to Chinese group tours are really hurting; no groups allowed in the country...

Just have to ride this out, I guess.


Just take it easy and think it over.

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There is some talk here that the masks actually CAN hurt. It makes people touch their faces more often (adjusting, pulling up, etc,) and that the weave on them is not small enough to prevent a virus from getting through.



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On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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The coronavirus deaths have now surpassed SARS. And in SARS it took months to reach that many dead.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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There is no way China is being honest about this.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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The coronavirus itself is not a new virus.


But I really don't think this was a random happening. 


I think it was an experiment that has gotten out of hand.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My dog name is, Sasha!

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The quarantined cruise ship is getting a lot of media attention, but nobody has said anything about the crew. They're delivering food, doing dishes, probably laundry and they live 3-4 to a cabin. Let me tell you, I would be fully leading a mutiny. Work stoppage. There are a bunch of people in hazmat walking around outside. Get them in there to do the passenger contact stuff.

I also can't believe that none of them are sick. That cruise ship needs to be dealing with that in a big way. Where is their HR or union?



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I agree with you, Lily.



Frozen Sucks!

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Actually test results are now being provided to cruise passengers and yes, several are positive. Someone just tried to bring in a bag of dead birds through customs today. Claimed it was cat food.


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My dog name is, Sasha!

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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Actually test results are now being provided to cruise passengers and yes, several are positive. Someone just tried to bring in a bag of dead birds through customs today. Claimed it was cat food.

 All sorts of passenger stuff on the news, yes.  I'm talking about crew.  



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Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

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I agree with you lily



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How the hell does anyone go about cleaning up a ship like that so that it's useable again for passengers without their getting infected and starting it all over again?


Frozen Sucks!

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Forever Sunshine wrote:

How the hell does anyone go about cleaning up a ship like that so that it's useable again for passengers without their getting infected and starting it all over again?

 Bleach bit it?


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My dog name is, Sasha!

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My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Once everyone is off the ship, it can be cleaned. Soft surfaces removed and replaced. A virus needs a warm, wet body to live.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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It is my understanding that viruses live on hard surfaces longer than they do on soft surfaces.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

It is my understanding that viruses live on hard surfaces longer than they do on soft surfaces.

 Warning on door in cabin:

1. Emergency exit is to your left

2. Do not lick the ship



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Yes, they are showing on TV that elevator buttons on the ship should not be pushed with your finger - use a pencil or other object.
The number of infections on the ship is just growing and growing. No surprise since everyone is packed together in there. What are the health authorities thinking? Nothing.


Just take it easy and think it over.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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What I'm surprised over is the "how is this thing spreading in apartment buildings?" 

The news reported last night that this is spreading through apartment buildings. They don't know how.


Umm.. elevators? Stair? Door handles? 

People are stupid sometimes.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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Three instances of chinese trying to smuggle in dead birds. This virus was no accident.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

Three instances of chinese trying to smuggle in dead birds. This virus was no accident.

 Smuggle them into the US?  Isn't coronavirus related to mammals?  Bats and Pangolins?  I think that they are blaming the Pangolin because it is an illegal 'delicacy' that was being sold in the market that they consider ground zero?



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Authorities are more concerned with the bird flu that they might be bringing with them. They didn't say they were Pangolin. Aren't those popular in Singapore? These are being brought in from China in fake pet food bags.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

Authorities are more concerned with the bird flu that they might be bringing with them. They didn't say they were Pangolin. Aren't those popular in Singapore? These are being brought in from China in fake pet food bags.

 I bet the bird thing isn't new.  It's just that super extra precautions and searches are happening.  I don't know about Pangolin being popular in Singapore; according to the news they are super rare and illegal (thus being known for their magical properties when eaten evileye)pangolin-AP051124120885.jpg



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Right. Those weren't being found by customs. Just birds. Small birds.



Frozen Sucks!

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FNW wrote:

Authorities are more concerned with the bird flu that they might be bringing with them. They didn't say they were Pangolin. Aren't those popular in Singapore? These are being brought in from China in fake pet food bags.

 Yep and the latest women who was caught smuggling in the dead birds claimed there were cat food.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

Right. Those weren't being found by customs. Just birds. Small birds.

 I think that finding them now is a result of coronavirus because of the seaches that are more common - especially on flights out of China, but I don't think they actually are related to the spread of coronavirus.



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Probably not, but I think it's odd that people are even carrying around dead birds much less going to such efforts to disguise them and smuggle them into another country.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

Probably not, but I think it's odd that people are even carrying around dead birds much less going to such efforts to disguise them and smuggle them into another country.

 Right?  If I'm going to smuggle an animal it's going to be something cool.  Monkey?  Koala?



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I just saw on FB where a bunch of people are making fun of anti-vaxxers and telling them to go to China to see if they survive without the vaccine ....

Weirdly, they weren't super happy when I pointed out that there is no vaccine .... They literally didn't know that not having a vaccine exist meant that anti-vaxxers were refusing to take it....



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And alive.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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FNW wrote:

And alive.

 It's more fun that way!



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I had to cancel two amazon orders of items I bought for the soon to be born granddaughter, both items are stuck in china



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Probably see a lot of that for a while, Lindley. Also lots of auto parts, clothes, etc. are being held up. Probably be quite an inconvenience for some and may spell bankruptcy for some small businesses...


Just take it easy and think it over.

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