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Post Info TOPIC: Thursday May 14th


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Thursday May 14th

I could have rolled over.  The yelling at me over the phone is tired.



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I tried to roll over and just couldn't lay there any longer.

Who's yelling at you over the phone? I will slap them silly!

It's a beautiful start to the day here. Lots of sunshine! Woot! Temps are finally getting back to normal. 80 expected tomorrow. I have a four-hour shift today late morning. I was debating calling off just for the hell of it but it's only four hours. I know it's on register rather than self scans and I hate being on register. But, that extra hazard pay, little as it is, makes me want to take advantage as long as I can. lol

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!



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DH decided to take the day off today and play golf. Other than that, nothing new.




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My brother played yesterday. Told him go. The office is too stressful. Everyone wants a refund on their insurance due to non driving. They are getting it, a discount. The yelling....

I would have called in but its his birthday today.



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I just ate a Yodel! LOL


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Good morning, my pretties!

We had rain, early this morning. It's sunny and humid now. Heading for a high near 90.

I will probably make a run to Costco today.

And, do some laundry.

Not much else is happening.

I hope everyone has a good day!smile


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Frozen Sucks!

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Trudy do they not understand that ins is mandatory in ma and if they don't pay premiums their ins in cancelled? Driving is not the only situation that can damage a car. Idiots.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!



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You ate a yodeler?




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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Trudy do they not understand that ins is mandatory in ma and if they don't pay premiums their ins in cancelled? Driving is not the only situation that can damage a car. Idiots.

 True idiots.  Over it all.


People don't have Drakes cakes throughout the USA?  Sad!


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I have no idea what a drake cake is.

Jewel just got home from her 6 month check-up. Hard to believe she is 6 months old. She is 29 inches long, and weighs 16 pounds.

She is being referred to a pediatric orthopedist, because her left leg is 3/4 of an inch shorter than the right. We noticed the difference the day she was born, it's been monitored, and has reached the "let's look into it" mark.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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I didn't get a break on my insurance. But I don't really care. I truly only leave the house about twice a week. And that's only because I go stir crazy. Covid-19 didn't really affect me at all. Except for my surgery. We're all going to my daughter's house this weekend to celebrate Mother's day and my son's bday. I get my SS this weekend. He wants to come stay part of the summer with me.

Four year old turns five on Monday but will only be here half a day so we are celebrating tomorrow. My neighbor makes home made sugar cookie kits so we're all going to decorate cookies for an activity. We have cupcakes and ice cream lined up. Pink cupcakes and pink ice cream. We'll do mac and cheese and peanut butter for lunch. I'll let all the toddlers play in cupcakes. Should be fun. We're going to decorate in pink helium balloons tonight. The fire truck and a police car are going to drive by with their sirens on. Trying to make quarantine a little special.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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Sorry to hear about Jewel's leg. Maybe it won't be a big thing. Hope everything works out okay.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

My dog name is, Sasha!

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TrudyML wrote:

My brother played yesterday. Told him go. The office is too stressful. Everyone wants a refund on their insurance due to non driving. They are getting it, a discount. The yelling....

I would have called in but its his birthday today.

 I wonder what they would say if you asked them why they didn't cancel it in the first place....  And, it's not too late!



Not today, Satan.  Not today.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

My dog name is, Sasha!

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Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry

 What?? Why!?




Not today, Satan.  Not today.

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Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry

 What?? Why!?


My guess is, because young children wouldn't be able to social distance from one another.

And, there would be no way to keep it all free of germs.

Just my best guess. 


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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Mom! Mittens meows hi!


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TrudyML wrote:

Mom! Mittens meows hi!

Give her some pets and smooches for me, please!biggrin 


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!



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How sad, FWM! And it's in the sun where the UV rays will kill the virus anyway.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry

 What?? Why!?


My guess is, because young children wouldn't be able to social distance from one another.

And, there would be no way to keep it all free of germs.

Just my best guess. 

 OMG.  Just put a freakin' fence around it.  Don't be so dramatic.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry

 What?? Why!?


My guess is, because young children wouldn't be able to social distance from one another.

And, there would be no way to keep it all free of germs.

Just my best guess. 

 OMG.  Just put a freakin' fence around it.  Don't be so dramatic.

 Tig, that thought crossed my mind, too.

But, it's very hard to explain to a 2 or 3 year old child, why they can't play on the swings and slides. When they can see them, right in front of them.

This, is probably kinder, in the long run. For the children, and their parents.


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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I hate that the playgrounds are not open. Fresh air has got to be good for these kids.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Well, I spoke too soon!wink

I went to our neighborhood association website, and found an article in the newsletter about the parks in question.

The three of them, were on the list to be renovated. So, the work has begun.

They said the renovations could take up to 90 days. But, the children will have new equipment.

I just wonder if they will be allowed to use it by then.confuse


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!



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Well, that's good to know, FWM.



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I'm glad I checked, FNW.

I was feeling so sad for the children!

I'm glad to know that they will have new playgrounds


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

My dog name is, Sasha!

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Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Well, I spoke too soon!wink

I went to our neighborhood association website, and found an article in the newsletter about the parks in question.

The three of them, were on the list to be renovated. So, the work has begun.

They said the renovations could take up to 90 days. But, the children will have new equipment.

I just wonder if they will be allowed to use it by then.confuse

 That's much better.  I love that there are some crews using this time to do the things that need to be done while nobody needs stuff.  We're seeing a lot of road repair up here.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.


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Hey there y'all! What a mess this year has been!


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...



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I've missed you, ohfour!



My dog name is, Sasha!

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Not today, Satan.  Not today.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Hey! O4! So how is every little thing?

I think it's silly to close playgrounds. I mean, if parents/caretakers can't watch and step in, then that's on them.

I mean, playgrounds have never been germ free. Think of all the critters that play on them, too.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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My poor renters !

Their two (large) dogs got
sprayed by a skunk! They
are trying to air out the
house, and are giving the
two furbabies a bath with
Dawn, baking soda, and
peroxide. Hope this works
for them. She's due in
November, and the smell
can't be good for her.

I love helping people

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Momala wrote:

My poor renters !

Their two (large) dogs got
sprayed by a skunk! They
are trying to air out the
house, and are giving the
two furbabies a bath with
Dawn, baking soda, and
peroxide. Hope this works
for them. She's due in
November, and the smell
can't be good for her.

 Tomato juice works! My dog got sprayed in the face by a skunk when I was a teenager. Poured 3 cans of tomato juice on her a worked it in, let it sit for an hour, then shampooed her with her regular shampoo. Granted, her white fur was pink for a while. 

Striking matches will get rid of the smell inside.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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Yes on the tomato juice!  And while you're at it, pour one for yourself and make a blood mary with it.

-- Edited by FNW on Thursday 14th of May 2020 06:23:37 PM



Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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I like your thinking! I'll swap
out the tomato juice for Clamato,
add vodka and celery salt, with a
rim of salt & chili powder.

I love helping people

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Momala wrote:


I like your thinking! I'll swap
out the tomato juice for Clamato,
add vodka and celery salt, with a
rim of salt & chili powder.

When Wayne got sprayed, we had a bottle of Major Peters, bloody Mary mix, in the fridge.

Guess what Wayne washed the stink off with! LOL!biggrin

(Oh, and I made him suffer. Shame on me! Any time, he pissed me off for the next week, I sniffed at him. And, poor Wayne, went running for the shower!) wink

LOL! I'm going to hell!wink


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Tignanello wrote:
Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Just got back from Costco.

What a sad sight...crews dismantling all the playground equipment in our parks around the neighborhood.

Oh well, I suppose it's best, for now.cry

 What?? Why!?


My guess is, because young children wouldn't be able to social distance from one another.

And, there would be no way to keep it all free of germs.

Just my best guess. 

 OMG.  Just put a freakin' fence around it.  Don't be so dramatic.

 Tig, that thought crossed my mind, too.

But, it's very hard to explain to a 2 or 3 year old child, why they can't play on the swings and slides. When they can see them, right in front of them.

This, is probably kinder, in the long run. For the children, and their parents.

 They could easily tarp them. Dismantling is pretty over the top if you ask me. 

ETA: Ooops, guess I should've read the whole thread before posting. lol 

-- Edited by Forever Sunshine on Thursday 14th of May 2020 09:09:05 PM



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Posts: 2979

Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Momala wrote:


I like your thinking! I'll swap
out the tomato juice for Clamato,
add vodka and celery salt, with a
rim of salt & chili powder.

When Wayne got sprayed, we had a bottle of Major Peters, bloody Mary mix, in the fridge.

Guess what Wayne washed the stink off with! LOL!biggrin

(Oh, and I made him suffer. Shame on me! Any time, he pissed me off for the next week, I sniffed at him. And, poor Wayne, went running for the shower!) wink

LOL! I'm going to hell!wink

  you'll be in good company if that's all it takes to go to hell. I'm doomed. 


My dog name is, Sasha!

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All the "Pandemic Panickers" I put on FB snooze just popped back up with their doomsday bs. Now i have to go through and snooze them all again.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.


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Good evening everyone! Good to see you again oh-four, not much here except taking care of my grand babies 💕 the baby girl is such a sweetheart and all of them keep me busy.

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