It's freaking cold out there. I bumped on the heat in the apartment. I know, I know, it's way too early for it but I'd rather that than shiver. lol
Not much going on for me lately. I have the front garden done for now. Put out a few orange mums to spruce it up after the rock border was finished. I need to get a pic or two to post. So far, everyone here loves it. My bulbs I ordered from Dutch Grown should be here some time in the next couple of weeks. I'll have to get them in the ground then.
Working a few less hours a week for now. I may try to keep this schedule rather than take on more hours. They're having a really hard time hiring people.
I only watched a couple of the questions and was disgusted by Stefanopolis and actually Trump himself for agreeing to be put in that position. I think his advisors are undermining him intentionally.
PA approved the $300 UE benefits that Trump put in with Executive Order and now they're talking about a $450 UE benefit with the next stimulus if that ever happens.
We had five or six new employees start but quit within a week or two because of how poorly the company treats employees. And we've had three other longer-term employees walk out as well.
PA approved the $300 UE benefits that Trump put in with Executive Order and now they're talking about a $450 UE benefit with the next stimulus if that ever happens.
We had five or six new employees start but quit within a week or two because of how poorly the company treats employees. And we've had three other longer-term employees walk out as well.
Well that sucks. Such lazy people. What will they do when that benefit goes away? They will be out of a job.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Just got back from two days
of fishing! Woo Hoo ! !
Caught ten blues and two
yellows, so we're set for a
Tomorrow, we have to go to
the Super WalMart, so DH can
get a new phone. Getting out
of the boat, he slipped, and
wound up sitting in the muddy
muddy water - and guess where
his phone was. Yep, in his back
pocket. Right now we have it
sitting on the counter, with my
blow dryer blowing at it (on low
of course!).
The motel we stay at even
reduced their already low prices.
King bed, refrigerator, micro,
large screen TV, and super
comfy mattress, for $35 plus
taxes. The owner is really
hurting for guests. because so
many people are curtaining all
unnecessary travel, and the oil
industry is almost totally cut off.
I'll try to post a couple of shots
of the fish tomorrow.
Trudy, does GG need some eyes that are good during the day but suck donkey balls at night? If so he can borrow mine!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
PA approved the $300 UE benefits that Trump put in with Executive Order and now they're talking about a $450 UE benefit with the next stimulus if that ever happens.
We had five or six new employees start but quit within a week or two because of how poorly the company treats employees. And we've had three other longer-term employees walk out as well.
Well that sucks. Such lazy people. What will they do when that benefit goes away? They will be out of a job.
Yep, I know. I just don't understand wanting to sit around doing nothing but with the Fed monies when this all hit and now this, it's no wonder. I was tempted to stay home too. But, knowing myself, I'd go nuts sitting around staring at the walls.
Momala, your trip, and the room, sounds wonderful. I'm so glad you all had a great time. Well, except for the phone thing. lol Maybe a bowl of rice would help to dry it out better. That's what I've always been told anyway.
I gave my interview re Dirty John. Almost 2 hours. I got a little emotional a couple of times. It was harder than I thought it would be.
is there a link?
Not yet, it's in production. She interviewed his old boss, too, my former co-worker. DJ rented a room from the guy, back in the day. The producer interviewed me and said she would let me know the air date once they had one. I googled the producer. She used to be a producer for Dr. Phil and sued him a few years ago for false imprisonment among other things. Interesting....
A total of about 100# on the
hook, about 50# ready to put
in the freezer.
Helpful hint:
To freeze shrimp or fresh fish
filets, lay them out flat in a shallow
container, and then completely
cover with water. Freeze.
When you are ready to use,
defrost gently under a thin stream
of COLD water, still in the sealed
container. Freezing them in a
block of solid ice prevents freezer burn!