So #1 injured his knee last week at school and it's still sore so he has an appt for tomorrow with the ortho doctor. Ugh. At least he won't miss school as it's their teacher work day.
DH and I both did early voting -
but on different days! Very well
run, with lots of space. A Poll
Watcher saw me enter the end
of the line, and promptly took
me to the head of the line, just
because I use a cane! And no
one in the line voiced any
objections. In and out in ten
Two of my friends will be Poll
Watchers on Nov. 3rd. I'm
sure they'll have lots of very
interesting tales to tell!
My weeks are flying by lately! Grandson spent the night on Tuesday. Mommy didn't want to leave him but she slept on the guest bed and I put baby in my room. He slept seven hours! I got another UTI. Drat. Usually takes three of four rounds of antibiotics to knock it out. Been doing PT in spite of not feeling like it. My PT guy swears Biden is going to win. He's such a socialist. My parents went to vote today. Die hard Repubs. Still voting in their 70's and 80's. We're taking the new baby to go meet his great grandparents next weekend. I took off. BF will be in town anyway. Baby boy has a spider bite on his arm. Told his dad he needs to take him to the doctor. It's swollen, hard, red, and very painful for him. I'm busy making cinnamon rolls and tomorrow I will make chili to take to work. POT LUCK.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Yes, I personally put my ballot
in the slot - I've heard too many
horror stories about nefarious
"workers" having ink on their
hands, and putting a "smudge"
on the ballot, thereby making
it void.
Made a huge pot of chicken
thighs simmered in broth. As
soon as the chicken was done,
and cool enough to handle, I
removed the skin & bones, &
returned them to the pot, to
simmer for a couple of hours
longer - makes for a really
dense broth.
FNW, hope he has a good doctor to fix this up 100%. If not, it will come back to haunt him when he gets older (as in old. LOL) All our injuries seem to come back on us as we age.
I will have a serving (or two) of those chicken thighs in broth, Momala
Thanks, Karl. This guy was a Major and ortho surgeon in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm and has pretty good creds. So we'll see. #1 seems to get hurt once a year.