I'm off today. I had to take the boys to school as DH had to meet (virtually) with the president of the company. So I took his car which I'm not used to driving. His car has four doors (mine only has two) so I figured it would be faster to get them out, more room for the backpacks, and it was raining and my car is clean. #1 said he was never worried about crashing with his parents driving...until now. LOL I kept saying things like, "where's the seat programmer...where's the mirror switch...how do I, oh never mind..." Finally when it came time to drop them off I asked, "how do I unlock the doors?" #1 said, "maybe it would have been easier to just take your car.
I'm off today so I'm wrapping Christmas gifts so I can get a handle on what I have purchased so far. Now I'm shopping...
I'm off today. I had to take the boys to school as DH had to meet (virtually) with the president of the company. So I took his car which I'm not used to driving. His car has four doors (mine only has two) so I figured it would be faster to get them out, more room for the backpacks, and it was raining and my car is clean. #1 said he was never worried about crashing with his parents driving...until now. LOL I kept saying things like, "where's the seat programmer...where's the mirror switch...how do I, oh never mind..." Finally when it came time to drop them off I asked, "how do I unlock the doors?" #1 said, "maybe it would have been easier to just take your car.
I'm off today so I'm wrapping Christmas gifts so I can get a handle on what I have purchased so far. Now I'm shopping...
It's a dreary day here. Lots of steady rain. No real downpours yet though. I'm so happy it's a slow steady rain so now I don't have to water my newly planted bulbs. It looks like I got them in late enough that the squirrels and chippies are leaving them alone . . . at least for now. lol We shall see when Spring comes.
Not much else going on for me. I worked a short shift early today. I just had some lunch and am going to putter around in here (yes, the spare room again). *sigh*