Good morning! Got a few more presents to wrap, have to grocery shop for Christmas dinner and even though I canceled my Christmas Eve party, we are having family over, so shopping for that too!
I had a bad bout this morning but I seem to be better now. Not sure what it was, but my stomach cramped up and I ended up throwing up. Maybe I'm pregnant. LOL
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well and ready for Christmas. It's been a pretty bad month here, covering for Covid quarantines and other issues that have come up. But we're all healthy and getting ready to enjoy a quiet Christmas.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Just got back from arranging the
(few) poinsettias I was able to buy.
12 minis, and 12 medium/regular
size. Got shorted on all the giant
ones. I feel badly for my floral lady
at HEB. She ordered everything for
me back on Nov. 2. Corporate never
said anything to her about not being
able to get the large ones, until her
order came in on Monday, and she
didn't get ANY poinsettias - and neither
did any of the other San Antonio HEBs.
It's a good thing she had pulled the
medium & minis as soon as they came
in, and stashed them in the break room.
I bought 6 bunches of assorted pine
greens, to fill out the space.
I now have the name and direct phone
number to a person in Customer Care
in the Corporate Office. I'll be in touch
with her in February, to make sure that
I get all the lilies that I order.
We lit a CSL log (chimney sweeping log)
tonight, to make sure everything will be
good for a fire tomorrow after Church.
And our house still smells wonderful
from the flowers DH's niece brought