I hope the PT went well, Momala! Thank you for sending good thoughts to Shop Cat!
I'm glad you enjoyed your pedi, FNW! (I've never had one. But, I'm sure it's nice!) I appreciate your good thought for Shop Cat, too!
(I fear this new Vet has sold Wayne a bill of goods. And he's buying it...cause she's giving him hope, where honestly...I don't believe it. And, I don't trust her. I have my reasons.)
I'll keep you guys posted. I have a very bad feeling about this.
Oy! Chin up! We carry on! This really will have to be Wayne's decision. Shop Cat has been his loyal companion for so many years. I understand why he's having trouble letting her go.
Yesterday I paid my very first health care premium as a single person. It was a lot of money but I got a good plan so I'm happy. Here's to independence.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Told us the medicine we'd be giving Shop Cat, would have no side effects. (The same drug, that our Vets told us was awful. The side effects were worse than having her waste away.)
Well, no big shock, Shop Cat lost her appetite after the first dose.
Now, Wayne is freaking out...because Shop Cat also stopped peeing. So, he sent a text to this Vet...and she said..."We might need to do blood work...her kidneys might be failing...and we could treat her for that."
Seriously? You want to add another med...to try to save a 3 pound cat...if she even weighs that much. After you said, there were no side effects to this drug?
I'm beyond mad! Shop Cat should go in peace. This is bullcrap, in my opinion.
I don't trust her. She's feeding Wayne a line, that he wants to hear. And, I think it's cruel, to go on this way.
It's not fair to Shop Cat. She's had a good life. It's time to let her go.
Awww poor Shop Cat and Wayne. I hope he can come to terms with letting her go. It's really the best thing to do, which you know FWM. So sad. I really hate when vets give false hope like this just to pad a bill and prey on fur dad's emotions. ARGH!
Awww poor Shop Cat and Wayne. I hope he can come to terms with letting her go. It's really the best thing to do, which you know FWM. So sad. I really hate when vets give false hope like this just to pad a bill and prey on fur dad's emotions. ARGH!
So true. A good vet is really hard to find.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
So one of the mothers owes me three weeks of babysitting. I discounted her rate because she was having a hard time paying. But she still owes me $300. Last night when she picked up her son I told her I had gotten covid tested as I do every week twice a week. Also told her the test was negative. She promised she'd bring the money she owed me today. This morning I got a text that last night she tested positive for covid and she and her son are in quarantine for two weeks. Her husband and other two kids are not though. Amazingly she cannot pay me because she cannot leave the house. I'm not buying any of her story at all. Why wouldn't she have mentioned her getting tested yesterday when I clearly brought it up? And why is only half her family in quarantine? Nope, she's just trying not to pay me. I don't expect her to bring her son back. I also expect I am going to have to go to small claims court. I know she's banking on me just forgetting about the money she owes me but that's not going to happen. I make $30/day keeping her son for 12 hours. That's not even minimum wage. And she's a sign language interpreter for the local college so she's NOT broke. People like her make me sick.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Hello everyone! Fwm, I’m so sorry about shop cat, It’s so hard to watch a beloved pet decline, hopefully Wayne will realize that it is time to let her go. 🌹
I hope you can recover your money njn, I don’t like people who steals from other people, she stoled your service and time.
Ugh, that sucks NJN!! I hated having to badger people to pay me when I did day care in my home. This is why most day care centers make people pay in advance. People will always have excuses. Does she have any payment apps? Tell her to cashapp or Venmo you the $$.
You would think they would want to make sure to pay someone who is watching the most precious person in their lives, when I was a teachers aide right out of high school, if the parent was late they had to pay the aide who was left with the late parents kids and the the parents paid us, of course I always heard the wild stories of how they left their wallet at home, I was 17 and didn’t want to argue with a adult and I didn’t think the head of the school would take my side anyway. The thing is it would have only been five to ten dollars.
I have decided to get out of the daycare business. I currently have three two year old boys and the sister of the little boy I've had since birth when she is out of school. She got kicked out of her after school program. I will continue to watch baby boy as I am kind of partial to him. The one boy of the mom who doesn't pay is getting free daycare at the end of the month. I know she is not coming back. The other little boy is starting a preschool program soon. DF and I are going to be paying for a wedding and also buying a house. I need an income I can count on. Plus I can make more as a nurse. Not what I want to do but it seems like a good time. Lindley, I've always wondered why people want to cheat the people who watch your kids. They are not just feeding your kids and putting them down for a nap. We love on them, kiss them, cuddle them, and otherwise act like a surrogate parent while you are gone. The ones that are good at what they do put their their heart and soul into their jobs.
I told her yesterday I wanted her to paypal me my money. I didn't hear from her so today I spelled it out. I need my money by 5 pm tomorrow or there will be a $25 a week late fee until the money is paid. I really don't expect her to pay but I'm doing this all through text so I have proof when I get ready to take her to court. And yes, I will go that far. It is MY money. I earned it and I'm entitled to it.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou