I went to the Wuhan Market and forgot milk. Oh well.
Got an email from boys' school saying they are polling us to see if we can go to 4 days in person. Halleluiah! It's about time. If they can get at least 50% of parents to agree they will go forward. Virtual will still be offered for those fearful.
Does your market carry Parmalat
or Lala? Parmalat is shelf stable
milk that doesn't need refrigeration
until it is opened, and most of the
"best by" dates are 6-8 months out.
I try to always have at least one on
the shelf. Tastes much better than
non-fat dry milk.
No, I haven't seen that. I know I could freeze milk though. When I lived in WV, they sold extended life milk which I used to buy on occasion. It was refrigerated, but extra pasteurized so it would last a few months.
Well, I'm in the dog house with my kids. After 45 minutes of trying to get them (nicely) to leave a video game they were playing with their friend, I told them, in a tone loud enough for them to hear, that if they didn't get to the table by the time I was done cleaning the kitchen that I was packing everything up and they would get nothing to eat. #1 crumbled to his friend that he didn't really need dinner or something to that affect so I closed his computer. I guess I embarrassed them.
Hello fwm, Trudy, hope you are feeling better momala glad your boys are getting to go back to school fwm, and don’t worry about them getting mad, they will get over it and not delay stopping their game next time, parenting isn’t for wimps.