I love puzzles!!
When she gets a little older get her a United States puzzle, those are awesome!
What am I doing? Nothing!! Been cleaning all morning. I’m so bored I pulled everything from under my bed and blocked it off with the rumba wandering underneath. I need to purge some stuff. I have so many jackets and sweaters. I’m going to wash the stuff that’s been hibernating under the bed in space bags and bag it up for donation.
Good afternoon fwm, Trudy and SB... watching the kids today, can’t wait till they can play outside again. Hope you had a fun day with Kate fwm, my oldest granddaughter enjoyed puzzles as a 3 yr old.
Well, it's sleeting here. Supposed to only get worse. I fell on the ice and am extremely bruised and sore but nothing is majorly damaged. I only have little boy today as the other moms kept their kids home. Mom called and said they can no longer navigate the roads safely and asked if I could keep little guy overnight so I said sure. Ex DH and I are getting a refund in taxes. He insisted that I pick up the paperwork today so I did but the roads really weren't safe. He wants me to sign and return them with the check tomorrow or else. Honestly, he can f himself at this point. I am NOT putting my life in danger so he can get his taxes back two days early. NOT HAPPENING. It's only supposed to be 3 degrees here Monday. That's cold.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Hope everyone can stay off
the roads for the next couple
of days. HUGE pile-up near
Ft. Worth - people just don't
know how to drive on snow/ice.
Rain, and cold here in south Texas
- supposed to go down to 18-20
Sunday/Monday. Bought some
firewood, so we should be fine
even if the electricity fails.
DH and I have the most
awesome neighbors! They
called around noon, to make
sure we would be home at
four. Mother, Daughter, and
Sister live next door to each
other, and are very close.
When they learned what all
the flashing lights were about
on Saturday, they got together
and created a mini-foodtrain
for us once I got home. Each
one specializes in a different
category - soups, entrees, and
desserts. Everything was delicious.
I don't know how to thank them,
except by paying it forward.
Oh Momala, that is wonderfully sweet. You deserve every bit of it. That crash made national news. DF called me this morning and told me he saw it on the news in MO. He's been worried about me all day.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
So very nice of your neighbors momala, fixing a meal is one less thing you have to think about. Who ever came up with the meal train is a clever person, our church uses meal train, I’ve fixed chili and cookies tonight for a meal I’m taking to someone from our church, will also fix a salad and corn muffins tomorrow Togo with the chili.