Don't want to jinx myself, but
we've only had "flickering" a
couple of times yesterday -
just enough to have to reset
all the clocks. Fortunately, I
have several battery clocks,
so I know what time it is.
I'm so proud of our electric
co-operative, for keeping us
up and running.
One nursing home had to be
evacuated, because a pipe to
the fire suppression system
broke - no injuries or damage
- just a pain in the butt to get
all the residents situated in
two other nursing homes.
Next week, when all of this is
over, I'm going to insist that
DH get us at least a week's
worth of wood. If we don't
need it now, it will be well
seasoned for next year.
I'm cooking four batches of
cookies, to decide which one
I want to cook for next Monday.
My OES chapter does "Cookies
for Cops", to show them how
much we appreciate them.
Local police in the next town
over, plus our County Sheriffs,
plus our State Troopers. We
really do appreciate them.
Praying for Texas, FWM and Momala.
We are extremely cold as well. -17 this morning, yesterday morning was -26. So thankful we have stove fuel for heat. No school here due to rolling blackouts and buses not starting, school boiler problems and water heaters failing.
Freaking green energy is a farce. No wind so the wind turbines are pulling power out of the power grid to keep the turbine oil warm. Now isn’t that ironic..😏
I just saw a report that Galveston’s coroner has requested up to 50 refrigerated trunks for the dead. One truck holds 20. This is so tragic and senseless.💔
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.