Good afternoon ikwtd! Good to see you and hope you are feeling better. Spring here can’t make up its mind whether to stay or not, 70 degrees Thursday and in the 50’s today, I’m so ready for warmer weather, my little wild ones need to run.
Two of DH's nieces came today and
totally stripped my dining room and
kitchen, in preparation for replacing
the flooring next weekend.
And I mean they stripped EVERYTHING!
The only thing left on the island is our
salt/pepper, and paper towel holder.
The only thing left in the dining room is
our enormously heavy table - the chairs
are in the Great Room. It will take four
men to move the table.
And they even cleaned our refrigerator!
It sparkles as if it just came off the
showroom floor. They had some good
suggestions on where to put things back,
so it would be easier for me to reach them.
And the two boys that one of them is
fostering came with her, and crushed the
HUGE bag of cans I had, plus they folded
up umpteen bags of baggies that I've been
saving. They take up a lot less space when
they're folded.
I can see that I need to downsize in a lot
of areas. That will be a challenge.
Momala, downsizing is definitely a challenge. I'm still trying to come to terms with getting rid of some stuff. I just keep thinking, one of the grands will want it but in all honesty, probably not. I've done some throwing out and / or taking items to Women in Crisis center or the Salvation Army recently. Still more to do but it's a good feeling to be working on it. lol