Doing lots of chores around the
house. DH is busy planting
watermelon and tomato seedlings,
plus fixing all the water lines to the
fields. Sooo glad we have an ag well,
so we don't have to pay for all the water
he uses! Just the electric for the water
Bright, sunny day here, with just
enough of a breeze to keep you
DF has been here for over a week. He will stay about three weeks. Learning to balance work and personal life. It's a challenge at times. My next day off we're going to a B&B in Fort Worth. I'm excited.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
DH's nephew, who has his travel
trailer parked on our hill had some
friends over. They put together his
new BBQ grill, and he initiated it by
inviting us over for BBQ. It was really
great. His friends did all the work -
and there was more than enough food
to feed an army! Rib eye, chicken, 2
kinds of sausage, ribs, grilled veggies
(the asparagus spears were awesome!),
mixed pork & beans with corn, bacon
wrapped stuffed jalapenos, and hot
dogs for the unadventurous kids.
And they had the cutest chihuahua,
who had dubbed herself as the watch
dog for the entire property. She told
us about every car that went by, and,
according to her owners, did not like
anyone except for immediate family.
How, then, did she wind up in my
lap, giving me all kinds of doggie
kisses? Guess I just felt safe to her.