Hi all. Life is good. I hope you all have a marvelous day.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Good morning fwm, njn, Trudy and to all the geeks! Hop your kitty feels better soon fwm. Babysitting, baby girl is napping:). Oldest grandson is playing soccer now, they won their first two games, one was a forfeit, but they learned half the effort is showing up. Hubby and I are going out to dinner tonight, looking forward to it.
I have training then a meeting. Other than that, not much else going on. Chatting with an old friend who is trying to relocate to Idaho from California. His wife is there full-time but he needs to get a job. Looking in Boise. I hope he has luck soon. I can't believe it's been 26 years since I left California.
Poor kitty, poor rug. Enjoy dinner Lindley! It's been awhile since I was out to eat too. Not that restaurants are closed here; just that it's been awhile since we all got together. I may have to make a few calls and get us going again. lol
I crazy day at work. Half the employees didn't show up so most of us were running our you know whats off. I was glad it's over. Although the boss asked if I wanted to work some hours tomorrow, my day off, and of course I said yes. I'm not scheduled for six hours tomorrow. I know I'll regret it once I'm there but when I get the paycheck, I'll smile. Oh I'm smiling now. The lines at the checkouts were really long so I went down and got a customer to let me scan his stuff for him through the self checkouts. His order was a little over $100 and when we were all done, he went to hand me $50 for doing it. I told him I could accept it and he said, "Yes you can". He insisted and I thanked him profusely! From what I'm told, this guy has loads of money, and I'm not the only one he's done this with. He does it alot from $10 to $50.
Trying to decide if I want haddock or pizza for dinner.
We've been going out since last May. There's no one in the places.
Here where I live you don’t even have to wear a mask in private owned restaurant, even the staff doesn’t wear them, the chains do, but they can’t force you to wear them. Yet our numbers are low.
Poor kitty, poor rug. Enjoy dinner Lindley! It's been awhile since I was out to eat too. Not that restaurants are closed here; just that it's been awhile since we all got together. I may have to make a few calls and get us going again. lol
I crazy day at work. Half the employees didn't show up so most of us were running our you know whats off. I was glad it's over. Although the boss asked if I wanted to work some hours tomorrow, my day off, and of course I said yes. I'm not scheduled for six hours tomorrow. I know I'll regret it once I'm there but when I get the paycheck, I'll smile. Oh I'm smiling now. The lines at the checkouts were really long so I went down and got a customer to let me scan his stuff for him through the self checkouts. His order was a little over $100 and when we were all done, he went to hand me $50 for doing it. I told him I could accept it and he said, "Yes you can". He insisted and I thanked him profusely! From what I'm told, this guy has loads of money, and I'm not the only one he's done this with. He does it alot from $10 to $50.
Trying to decide if I want haddock or pizza for dinner.
That is so nice FS! Believe me, accepting his generosity is a great pleasure for him, so don’t feel guilty or unworthy accepting it.
Yeah, I know, Lindley. He loves doing it. After I accepted, he said, "every little bit helps". I agreed. It's not that I felt guilty or unworthy. It's that we're not allowed to accept tips from customers per the company's policy. But, the store manager doesn't enforce it. Honestly, I was just shocked it was a $50. I thought at first it was a $20. lol
We've been going out since last May. There's no one in the places.
Here where I live you don’t even have to wear a mask in private owned restaurant, even the staff doesn’t wear them, the chains do, but they can’t force you to wear them. Yet our numbers are low.
People here are still wearing masks like it was the first day they were told to do so. They wear them everywhere. It's rare to see people without one. Even if they're outside walking from their car to the store, it's on.
I only put it on before I enter the store and take it off the second I come out, in my little town hardly anyone wears them. There isn’t a state mandate to wear masks where I live except in Kansas City, St. Louis and two other cities, there mayors are Democrats though.
We've been going out since last May. There's no one in the places.
Here where I live you don’t even have to wear a mask in private owned restaurant, even the staff doesn’t wear them, the chains do, but they can’t force you to wear them. Yet our numbers are low.
People here are still wearing masks like it was the first day they were told to do so. They wear them everywhere. It's rare to see people without one. Even if they're outside walking from their car to the store, it's on.