Good luck with the shot. Which one are you getting?
Not much new around here. My essentials came today so the house is nice and clean. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. I'll get some gardening in later. I put more beets in the ground because we're going to be out of town and I figured it will be their best bet for survival since I won't be watering them. Many weren't ready and lost some roots when I pulled them out of the pots so who knows. My last bunch I planted disappeared so this time I put toilet paper rolls I had been saving up around each plant to discourage the critters. I read somewhere that this would help.
Have a good day and let us know how the shot goes.
Good luck with the shot. Which one are you getting?
Not much new around here. My essentials came today so the house is nice and clean. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. I'll get some gardening in later. I put more beets in the ground because we're going to be out of town and I figured it will be their best bet for survival since I won't be watering them. Many weren't ready and lost some roots when I pulled them out of the pots so who knows. My last bunch I planted disappeared so this time I put toilet paper rolls I had been saving up around each plant to discourage the critters. I read somewhere that this would help.
Have a good day and let us know how the shot goes.
Good luck with the shot. Which one are you getting?
Not much new around here. My essentials came today so the house is nice and clean. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. I'll get some gardening in later. I put more beets in the ground because we're going to be out of town and I figured it will be their best bet for survival since I won't be watering them. Many weren't ready and lost some roots when I pulled them out of the pots so who knows. My last bunch I planted disappeared so this time I put toilet paper rolls I had been saving up around each plant to discourage the critters. I read somewhere that this would help.
Have a good day and let us know how the shot goes.
My Mom and my older sisters didn't have any reaction to the second shot, FNW. But Wayne, felt sick as a dog, the next day. It only lasted a few hours, and he was fine.
Now, just waiting on word from the Vet, on when I can pick up Jack.
I can only get the J&J vaccine due to the allergens in the other types. DOH called me today (they had previously put me at the top of the list). They said NH just received a boatload and said to have my PCP get me a local appointment.
Happy Tuesday!
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Good afternoon, been out most of the day, trying to finish up my Easter shopping, out of state grand kids got theirs today. Good luck on everyone’s shots. We may wait a bit. Covid is so low here, so I’m not to worried.