Beautiful day here. I went to Leslie's and picked up a pool float for DH for Father's Day. Just a little something extra for him. I'm taking the boys to the Escape Room later. I have today off (Juneteenth).
It's been years since I've driven myself to a shopping center I used to frequent. The roads have all changed and I got lost. I may have cried a little. But eventually I found it and picked up some rolls and bread for Sunday's BBQ pool party. I thought I'd give Aldi a try. I've been ordering from them through Instacart for months but wanted to go in. I had no idea I had to put a quarter in the cart to use it. A nice lady gave me a quarter since I didn't have one. It's refreshing to know there are kind people out there. I can't believe the good prices at Aldi. Unbelievable. Nice store, too.
Back in NJ, all the supermarkets
had "quarter carts", so one very
smart kid took metal, shaped it
into a "quarter", with a hole so
you could put it on your key ring.
You were never without a coin to
get a cart, and you couldn't lose
your keys! I think he charged
about $5 - he made a LOT of