We had a cold front pass through yesterday afternoon. It was only 68 when I went for my walk this morning. And our high is only going to be 86 today! Yay!
I better enjoy it. The heat and humidity will be back tomorrow.
We just got back from the Vet with Jupiter. Her eye is no better. He's sending us to an Animal Ophthalmology Clinic so they can check her out. He also raised the dose on her arthritis medication. Poor old dog. Sweet guy that Dr. Bob is...as I was getting my credit card out...he said, "We're just calling this a follow up visit, you don't have to pay anything. Besides, you're going to be spending some bucks at the eye clinic. So, you're good to go." Bless him, he's a nice guy!
Rainy here. We need it! The temps are back down, too. The boys are at grannycamp today. They were excited about it. They'll spend the night. We are rearranging the basement and making room for an elliptical DH is putting together for them. I have to wrap their gifts and run out and get some khaki shorts for them. The essentials are here currently so I'm waiting until they leave.
Good afternoon! Hello Trudy, hello fwm, hope the eye vet can help Jupiter’s eye. Hello fnw, is it your boys birthday? If so, Happy Birthday to them!🥳🎂🎁🎈🎉.
We had a cool spell too, and took advantage of it this morning and weeded the flower bed by my front porch, it needed it for a long time, but to rainy and cold before we went to NC and to hot when we got back.
Grandson started playing TBall, the littles were so stinking cute! The daughter of the coach on the opposing team had enough and he had to hold her during the rest of the game, some were playing in the dirt, picking dandelions…. It was fun to watch..