Good morning, my pretties!
We got 2 inches of rain last night. To wet to work in the yard, so, I guess I'll try to get a few inside chores done.
Got my walk in. Then I dropped Jack off at the Vets for his glucose curve test. I'll pick him up later this afternoon.
Jupie is doing okay with her eye drops. Gosh, she hates the cone of shame. I feel bad for her.
Still watching The Tennis and Le Tour when I can!
That's the latest from soggy Fort Worth.
How about you?
I hope everyone has a good day!
Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!
Momala wrote: Poor Jupie! Hope she does better real soon. Can you give her lots of belly rubs? Give her an extra one from me.
Poor Jupie! Hope she does better real soon. Can you give her lots of belly rubs? Give her an extra one from me.
Oh yes, Momala. We are giving her plenty of love and belly rubs. I will be sure to give her some from you!
A person's a person no matter how small.
Thanks SB!
Looks like more rain is coming my way, too!