Meeting to discuss potential furlough. I have been deemed essential so I'll keep on working with pay if it happens. Wouldn't surprise me if it happens and they deny back pay to nonessentials. Wouldn't surprise me if they declare military non essential, too, since we backed out of Afghanistan. We'll see.
Watched the kiddos this morning, cleaned a little this afternoon, putting toys away, washing dishes, changed sheets. I don’t babysit again till Monday afternoon.
A local Elks club heard me calling
Bingo for the seniors a while ago,
and their regular caller is no longer
available. So, every Monday I will
be calling Bingo for the Elks. The
pay is good - don't know yet if it
will be cash or check. I must have
been at the right place at the right
time !
Looks like they passed a CR for certain agencies, mine included. So it's business as usual.
The school nurse called yesterday. #2 had sniffles and a sore throat. Was wiped out. She thinks it's a cold (a couple kids in his class had one in the last week or so) or allergies. But JIC, get tested. So we went to one of those drive thru places and he got a COVID test. Waiting the results now. He was better today and went to school.