The morning got off to a rocky start with the boys fighting with each other. #2 is going through something, not sure what. I need to spend more one on one time with him I think. With all the stuff #1 has going on (cross country, working out) he may be feeling a little left out.
That could be fnw, he may be feeling left out, my grandson, the 3 year old was grouchy and moody all weekend and a little bear at my house, parents realized it started after they were discussing the older brothers birthday party, in his mind he thought he wasn’t going to get any birthday cake, after they assured him that yes he will get some cake and will get to be at the party and special trip as well.
I’m sure some one on one time will help, it’s not unusual for a little jealousy or feeling left out. #2 may just miss time with his brother too.
Thanks, Lindley. I played a game of chess with him and talked about taking him to the movies this weekend (with his brother) and he seemed pretty happy. I also told him I hoped he would go with me to watch his brother's meet this weekend so I would have someone to sit with and talk to. He seemed to like that idea.
I’m glad you two did something just you two enjoyed, hopefully this will bring more peace between the boys. Parenting is a constant learning process, each child has their own talents, personality and love language.
3:30 a.m. last night, the pit bulls next
door (my renter) got out of their (outdoor)
kennel, charged up onto my front porch
and cornered my 13+ y/o cat, knocking
over the small wood pile. She was
screaming in terror, and the dogs were
barking their heads off. When I opened
the door, they scrambled down the stairs,
and kept up their loud and menacing
barking, not going to their own porch.
I finally phoned my renter, and told him
what his dogs were doing. He opened
the door, and shouted at the dogs to get
Tossed and turned all night, not able to
get back to sleep. When my friend came
over around 10:30 this morning, the dogs
were outside again, growling and barking
their heads off, and wouldn't let her come
up the stairs. She stayed in her car while
I called my renter. Sure enough, 20 minutes
later the renter shows up, and takes the
large cage off their porch and pulls it inside
their house. How can you leave two large
dogs in a kennel, on the porch, in Texas
heat, and go off to work? At least they
had water.
But you know what? The worst part is that
they have never paid their pet deposit
($100 per dog, non-refundable), clearly
written on the lease. They're going to have
a rude awakening when they decide to move,
and want their security deposit back. I can
hardly imaging what the 2nd &3rd bedrooms
look and smell like. The two dogs just had
puppies - 8 of them. I'll probably have to
replace all the carpeting.
A quick stop in to say hi! I miss you all and hope too find more time to stop by more. Life has been very busy. New granddaughter keeps us traveling.😊
FNW, teenagers are so much fun..well mostly lol.
Momala, eight puppies!! Good luck!
Lindley, sounds like those grandkids are growing fast!
FWM, if you check in, HI!
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.