Back on the 8th, I wrote about ringing
for one of our long time hand bell ringers
at her home. She had been put on hospice.
Friday, she entered into the nearer presence
of God. Her suffering is at an end. Her
husband was at Church today, and was totally
enveloped in hundreds of hugs.
Since I had done the flowers for their
wedding 12 years ago, he asked me to do the
flowers for her service. I remember exactly
what I did, so I will re-create the altar piece
- she loved the combo of pink and yellow
roses, with babies' breath.
The ladies from the bell choir will take care of
the reception - finger foods, cookies, iced tea,
etc. We expect a huge turnout - they were
both extremely popular.
I'm sorry to hear that, Momala. You have my sympathy.
Prayers for her family and friends.
Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!
~At Gnome in the Kitchen~