We had a zoom meeting with #1's therapist and it went well. Very helpful. We got to "see" #1, too. He looked good. Still quite depressed, but healthy and he was "content" at the moment.
It's sunny and beautiful out here today. Perfect weather!
Had a wonderful time with the
Soul Stitchers at church today.
We make Knitted Knockers,
prostheses for women who
have had a mastectomy. Very
specialized yarns (expensive!),
but we can knit three knockers
from each skein. They are super
soft, and we over-stuff them, so
the wearer can take out some
stuffing to make them fit perfectly.
As one of our stitchers says, she
can start and finish a knocker
during a pro-football game.
Me? It takes 6 hours !
DE ~ would this be something
your Bosom Buddies would be
interested in ?