I can't get a break. #2 is sick. Home test said + to covid. Took him to get PCR and awaiting results. He has his confirmation Monday. As long as he feels good, he'll be participating. It's beyond the time for the quarantine requirements based on when his symptoms began. Still, ugh.
#1 was released from 1:1 and got his shoes back so he can go back outside today. I hope he can maintain this now. He goes up and down in his moods. We'll talk to him every day over the weekend as he listed "talking to family" as one of his coping skills. I think he's manipulating the system and trying to manipulate us. Fortunately, the calls are put on speaker and if the conversation starts to go south, they intervene. We are not allowed to discuss the serious stuff and if he starts in on complaining, I redirect him and tell him that's something he needs to discuss in therapy then change the subject.
Good late afternoon almost evening. Fwm, I’ll be happy to send you some rain, yesterday it rained and we had a tornado watch, supposed to get more next week.
Get well wishes for son #2. Hopefully #1 will make positive progress soon. Hopefully they will see through the manipulation tactics.
Going to help with a graduation party for our seniors at Church later this evening, babysit tomorrow and maybe go to a baby shower at Church. I believe I’ll take the gift tonight since I don’t know when the kiddos will be picked up and I can’t make it.